Here is a link to a story stating that a U.S. federal grand jury has subpoened Toyota for its documents regarding steering relay rods in its cars. U.S. court subpoenas Toyota documents: report - MarketWatch Does anyone know if the 2010 Prius is involved? Does anyone know what the potential problem is?
I have seen several posts regarding stearing "torque tubes" (source of stearing force feedback to ECU) that take a permement "set" (too much force to the stearing wheel) and then the electrics actually oppose the driver inputs. Might be that, in which case yes, the Prius would be involved.
NO! The whole thing is stupid. It relates to a defect report Toyota put out in 2005. It had one in Japan in 2004, saying at the time that it applied only to vehicles in Japan. The probe is to decide if FIVE years ago, Toyota didn't report a problem fast enough for truck based vehicles built in the late 80s through the 90's. Toyota recalled 977,839 4Runner, Toyota Trucks and Toyota T100s in the US.
Listen to this poster ^^^ not the faux-techno-guesser before. If you read the NYT article you'll see that it's about an old recall done in 2005. The issue concerns very old Toyota's from the 90's and early 2000's*. Stupid.