My 2008 Prius had a lose-lose encounter with a deer, so we bought a 2010 Prius III, both with Nav. I would like to transfer the navigation data (destinations, etc.) from the old to the new. The 2008 Prius has a diagnostic screen with soft buttons labeled something like "Copy data to backup tool" and "Paste data from backup tool" the former of which sounds like the first step I need in this process. However, I can't find any similar screen in the 2010 Prius. Any ideas? I'm going back to the dealer today or tomorrow to see if they know anything about this, but I thought that this forum I much more likely to know the answer.
They said that they "had no procedure" for doing this and declined. I showed them the Copy/Paste diagnostic screen in my old car, and they said they would follow up with Toyota HQ to let me know its purpose. We'll see. Earlier today I painstakingly typed into my netbook all of the destination data from my old car, including the Lat/Long. Now I need to reverse the process and enter it into my new car. The dealer was very cooperative making my old car available for this. Still, when finished, it's a job that will have taken hours instead of minutes. It's time Toyota (and car companies in general) recognize that they also sell computers. Lots of them. Anyone who buys a new computer wants to transfer all their old data to it. Correspondingly, anyone who upgrades from one Prius (or any other car with a built-in Nav system) to a newer model quite likely will want to transfer their Nav data to the new car. I appreciate that this means defining an intermediate data format the new car's Nav system can recognize. Software developers do this all the time, including building in extensibility. Toyota seems to think we're happy to start over from scratch after several years of entering data into the old Nav system. We're not. It's about customer satisfaction.