I PLAN ( I repeat) Plan on buying a new 2010 Prius and get a Laptop Cradle to hold it (Like the Police) and plan to use a GPS and Microsoft Software to Track my Travels. However is there a tool (Software) free that can track MPG? Even if website Thanks Russ
There are a lot of website's that let you track your mileage. And all of them are free. Listed below are a couple of which i know. myhybrid.com fuelly.com Hope this helps.
Many of us use web based, per-tank recording systems: Fuel Economy - a government run web site, your records contribute to the per-vehicle knowledge across all makes and models. Fuelly | Share and Compare Your MPG - a private effort, it is also across all vehicles. www.ecomodder.com - for those who like to modify their cars for higher efficiency. Fuel Economy Data for Hybrid Cars - another web site oriented to hybrid cars only. CleanMPG, An authoritative source on fuel economy and hypermiling - another web site oriented towards driving style. I use one trip meter for the tank and write on the receipt the mileage and odometer reading. The web sites track the mileage and often make it available for analysis by everyone. FYI, it is important to 'calibrate' your trip meter distance to adjust for tire diameter. So when I'm performing benchmarks, I use the trip meter and MPG to calculate the fuel burn and the the GPS miles to calculate miles per gallon. Bob Wilson
Welcome to the forum. I use an Excel spreadsheet as my primary repository and Fuelly so that others can see my progress. There are a few threads here where others posted examples of their spreadsheets. I''d recommend recording all the fuel stats when you fill up even if you don't use the numbers right away (distance to empty for example). You may want to use them later and if you didn't record the number to begin with, you can't go back and get them later.
LOL I was trying to say a laptop and a holder for it, with GPS USB unit and Sprint Card and track things... Sorry it was late Russ
This is Russ Grover (The Original Poster) I figured I should use my domain name I bought instead of my real name to post. Thank you all for the suggestions I think I'll use fuelly and see if I like it. Thanks again Russ Grover
PS, like Bob Wilson mentioned above, I record my ODO and all the other stats from the display onto my gas receipt. That way I have all the dated info in one place when I enter the $ data in Quicken and the rest in Excel and Fuelly.
Welcome PriusMan, If you start wanting to spend a few dollars, I don't think a lap top/cradle is easy to look at while driving. Many of the gps can help you track. I went a little high end and installed an in dash pioneer nav hu. It saves all my trips on to an sd card, and is there to type in gallons and price when I fill up. It keeps track of the data itself. I can pop all the data to my lap top, and even see a map where I drove on any day in the past. OK, that is if you want to get very geeky, and be able to navigate the road and your ipod safely while driving.
If you have an iphone, I use and really like Gas Cubby for my cars. Log it right then and there and sync it online. Does maintenance logging as well. Not sure if they make it for other phones' app stores. They might.
A+. I use the same Gas Cubby App. They have a free one that is ad supported or the paid one is pretty cheap only a few bucks. Available only on the App Store, the real one, not that fake android one. It tracks your mpg every time you refill the tank. Can also tag the location you fill your gas, tracks maintenance costs, etc. Very handy.
Not as elaborate as the OP, but I do track mine in a Google Doc spreadsheet - easily accessible from any location. I track fuel price, tank price, gallons consumed, odometer, display MPG, etc. Also keep notes on other info. From it, I have graphs and stats on separate tabs. Link to a read-only version of it is here (and in my sig). I find this more than adequate (and still get the "Isn't that overkill?" statements from family/friends/colleagues)