I replaced both bulbs on my '07 (HID bulbs...lots-o-fun doing that!), now the left bulb is giving me issues, like the right did. Replaced them both with 6000 bulbs instead of the stock 4.3k. Am wondering if it was a good idea at all going with the 6k, thinking they might draw more wattage, thereby causing more current flow through other circuits, causing failure of something much more costly...
Using higher kelvin rated bulbs do not use more wattage. Using cheap bulbs will likely give you problems. What issues are you seeing? posted from my HTC Evo
The right bulb was going out, and replaced them (both) with $55/pr. bulbs. It took hours, and they look great but now the left is going out (same issue, goes out, turn off lights then back on and it comes back on). I know, cheap bulbs. Going to go with quality this time around, and now know a few tricks that should cut my replacement time in half. Lessons learned here...
How do you know which HID bulbs to use? My manual gives NO info at all. Can you identify a good bulb for my 2007 Prius - I saw many on eBay but don't know which ones are good/better/best. Thanks for any guidance you can give me!