Tell me why Bush shouldn't be impeached

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by endoildependency, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. endoildependency

    endoildependency New Member

    Sep 25, 2005
    between Sac/SF CA
    I listened to our President's restatement yesterday of why we need to stay in Iraq---and "WIN". :wacko: (In this "center" of the "war on terrorism".)

    Enough is enough.

    * nearly 2,000 deaths (including about 200 suicides? do you believe it?) of largely young Americans, and many times that wounded (including how many permanent mental problems?)---to create yet another Islamic theocracy that'll be the weak sister of another "Axis of Evil" member, that suffocates women, and that will likely espouse a virulently anti-Israeli policy as our troops are leaving

    (the 20,000-30,000 dead Iraqis don't count, right? Freedom-lovers all!)

    * more needless American deaths in Louisiana and Mississippi because of good-ol'-boy cronyism and the gutting of FEMA (Oh, well, lots of them were only seniors or the poor)

    * deliberately running up a debt that will reach trillions so as to cripple "the beast"
    (Repeal the most grievous tax cuts that have further enriched the already super-rich? Nah, let's cut Food Stamps again.) Make our kids pay for it? So what, we won't be here...)

    * winking at international (and U.S.) standards for torture and illegal detainment

    * refusing to institute a crash armor program (personal and vehicular) in the year leading up to war, even though he knew he'd take us over the brink

    * outing a CIA agent for political revenge AGAINST HER HUSBAND (You really believe W. hasn't known whodunnit for two years?)

    * refusing to create a new, truly "patriotic" energy policy aimed at conserving resources, developing new already-known technologies and diminishing our oil slavery to countries many of whom despise us

    * ignoring the lack of basic health care for 44 million Americans

    ...and lying, exaggerating, deceiving and misleading on all fronts.

    Not as bad as a dress stain from a feckless President who probably needs treatment for sex addiction?

    Yeah, it's the Culture of Responsibility, folks. For everyone except Rumsfeld, Dick (Saddam WAS TOO connected to 9/11") Cheney,Tom DeLay, Terry Schiavo's husband and the Halliburtons on the GOP Big Giver list.

    Read my lips. N-O M-O-R-E B-U-S-H
  2. AndyTiedye

    AndyTiedye New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    George Bush II and his cronies need a long vacation in the beautiful Hague.
    They simply must visit the Peace Palace there. Home of the International Criminal Court

    There are many people there who would very much like to talk to them:
    The International Criminal Court in Session

    Free accomodations will be provided, with excellent security:
    [Broken External Image]:
    The prison wing. Home of convicted war criminals.
  3. endoildependency

    endoildependency New Member

    Sep 25, 2005
    between Sac/SF CA
    Great building! Take away the steeple and it looks like one of those wonderful hotels built by the Canadian National Railway.

    Bush would only be vague in The Hague.

    [email protected] New Member

    Oct 8, 2005

    [email protected] New Member

    Oct 8, 2005
    Other than having a problem with your being totally cranky & ignoring that this is a volunteer military vs my "Vietnam Era Experience" where I was TOLD by my government (DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP THEN that were "for the people" ...HA!) "where to go" ... WHAT do you plan to do with the Muslim terrorists? Do you think they willl JUST go away? In a perfect work ALL people would be nice & friendly but I for one don't think they will just go away! Who do you "negotiate" with? What group of women & children will they kill next? How many have THEY killed to date? Don't ignore the cost of being passive & I think we don't have a viable option to cut & RUN! Which allows them the ability to organize & get stronger! Looks to me as if we need to put more "fly-paper" out in Iraq to bring them all-out to the party so we can take care-of-business over there... Not here & not 10 years from now!
  6. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Endo how can yu even LISTEN to his driveling lies? Impeached, hell! He should be tied to 4 Prii and stretched.
  7. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    President Bush's approval rating is the lowest it has ever been in the entire course of his Presidency. It stands at about 38% I believe.

    That being said, it is highly unlikely he will be impeached simply because impeachment isn't based on public opinion, but on whether Congress feels that the President has broken the rules.

    Impeachment therefore is a very rare occurrence. The reality of it is that Bush is completely safe from impeachment simply because he still has a lot of friends in Congress, his base still backs him, and his party is in power.

    Clinton on the other hand... he got impeached because the situation was very much different.

    Do i feel like Clinton's impeachment was frivolous? Yes... is it fair that Bush gets away with all he does while they pounced on Clinton for next to nothing? No, it's not fair... but is there anything that can be done? no. Thats' reality.
  8. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    Why he shouldn't be impeached?

    Hmmm...maybe because he was elected as the president of this country for a second term. The majority of the people want him as our president. It seems the only ones that do not reside in those large liberal welfare cities.

    All those bullets you listed are just talking points for talking heads.

    You mentioned healthecare and welfare of others several times. Is it the government's job to make sure you have health insurance. If it Bush's responsibility to baby sit everyone in this country. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. Is it Bush's fault people in Louisiana did not get flood insurance, listen to category 5 hurricane warnings and evacuate, or know FEMA stated one this countrty's worst natural disasters could be in new orleans.

    The issue about the CIA agent is really being over exaggerated as according to the law nothing was done wrong. It's just the democrats are still bitter from 2000 and the re-election in 2004 is insult to injury.

    At some point people need to quit always looking for blame and just look at theirself for their problems and do something about it. That's the great thing about this country, if your not happy, then do something about it, you have the right. Whether you excersie that right or not is up to you and not the government's job to hold your hand.

    EDIT: Most people in D.C. are idiots, democrats and republicans alike. They are more concerned with re-election, lobbyist, funding, etc, that they forget what they are really there for. I don't half blame them as Washington breeds this attitude, it is necessary to stay alive there. What protects this country from faltering is the constitution, and it just so happens republicans seem to uphold more ideals of that doctrine than the democrats.
  9. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    It's not wise to trivialize the deaths of those in our military by saying they are "volunteers" so they were totally prepared to die. Even if they were volunteers, it's a great tragedy whenever one of our boys is killed or comes home missing limbs.

    No one is talking about giving up on Iraq at this point, as you imply. But just because Iraq needs to be dealt with doesn't mean that Bush has been perfect up to this point.

    You people give Bush so much credit. But then again, you are so locked into this black and white worldview just like Bush... Either you are right or you are wrong, either you are with us or you are against us.

    Just because Bush has a just cause in preventing terrorism doesn't mean he can't be doing a really lousy job at it. That's the "gray" way of looking at it. Most of the world is gray, not black and white.
  10. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Yes, if the government cares for the people. Other countries in the world, including our close neighbor Canada do this.

    Personal responsibility can only go so far. When you're talking about natural disasters, it's easy to forget how much bigger the situation is than one person.

    It's too easy to lump all of the victims of the storm into a category of idiots who deserve to lose their homes or die. That's just a cold thing to say. What about the elderly who have no one to think of them? What about the sick who happen to be in hospitals at the time? What if you have a poor lower class family where both parents work miserable minimum wage jobs and can't afford to leave town on the drop of the hat or afford home insurance?

    Did they all deserve this?
  11. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA

    Generalization. Vast generalization. It all depends on how you look at it.
  12. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    Why does their have to be gray? I see that as a scapegoat.

    Are things not good and evil, or right and wrong. Every day you make decisions that can be categorized right from wrong on a moral basis.

    Being involved in a accident and leaving is wrong. Staying and giving help even if you are at fault is right. Go home to sober up and come back the next day is not gray area. It is still wrong.

    Perhaps people try to make things more complicated than they should.

    You can classify going into Iraq as a gray area. Imagine if a terrorist trained in Iraq did kill Americans, would you still see it as grey, or would you be blaming Bush? Bush is the president and as such has to make decisions and I respect his ability to make decisions and not be a fence rider politician. He can't be right all the time, but as a leader you have to be prepared to make decisisions. Committees, meetings, and talking heads have never got anything done. Only with action can something be done, unfortunately money and war seem to be the only way people will listen.
  13. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    Your serious? How is the constitution a generalization? I find it very specific.
  14. roryjr

    roryjr Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Warrenton, NC
    And how long do you have to wait in Canada for the most basic health services? I can go to the doctor or hospital here and just about any basic service immediately or the next day. When you make it free, people will go for the smallest insignificant reason. This leads to everyone going all the time and the long waits.
  15. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    Look at the rest of the world? Are we like them? Have you been to Europe or outside the US? Have you seen socialized healthcare in action. It is a joke and anybody with money always invests in private healthcare. The US did not become an economic superpower with socialism, why start now. History shows us what those ideals have in store for us. When this country was founded, nobody said, "hey, its the government's job to babysit the citiizens."

    Natural disasters are terrible. Personal accountability would be this. I own a home in an area below sea level that FEMA considers the worst grounds for natural disaster in US history. I might be inclined to get flood insurance. I learn of a category 5 hurricane, I would evacutate my family on my back if I had to.

    In the mayoral election the democrats gathered an astounding number of buses in new orleans to bus the "poor" class to voting booths. Where were those same buses this time? They could of went to the superdome. I see the nursing home deaths as murder and should be treated as such, very unfortunate.

    Sometimes the truth is cold.
  16. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    I think this is a great point to quote Star Wars.

    "Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view"
    - Obi-Wan

    You don't understand what I mean by gray. Put it this way... I respect Bush's ability to make decisions, but I still have the right to speak out when I think those decisions are wrong.

    It's like this. Whenever I get into a conversation about this topic, they always bring up that they support the troops and therefore the president. By "gray" i mean such: why can't I support the troops, but think the president is doing a bad job?

    Why does one thing lead to another? Why does it have to be that if I badmouth the president, that suddenly I'm a bad american?

    That's counter to the essence of America. We're welcome to criticise our leaders, lest we forget our own Revolution... our own Revolution back in 1776 was about the right to criticise and disagree with our leaders, the King at the time, and not fear retribution. That's the essence of America.
  17. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    EXACTLY! When I was England visiting some friends from college, we had an accident playing soccer which involved a broken nose. It took 14 months for him to get attention I could of got that same day with my healthcare in the US. He is not wealthy enough to afford private insurance in England.

    My roommate in college was from England and we both played soccer for the school. He became very sick and was amazed that I could take him to the emergency room and they treated him right away, gave him prescription medicine and we were out the same day, all paid for by university insurance.
  18. roryjr

    roryjr Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Warrenton, NC
    The democrats talked for a long time about pulling our troops out of Iraq right now. That is until they realized that the American people did not think that was a good idea. Then they changed their stance. Never a decision about what's best for the country. Only what's best to keep me in office.
  19. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    There are two schools of thought on the subject of the constution.

    Strict and loose constructionism.

    You seem to be strict. That's fine, but be aware that the other school of thought exists, and it's too hard of a subject to say that your way is right and the others are wrong.

    I believe the constitution should be a living document, and our government should be fluid as well to keep with the times. Our amendments were there for that reason.
  20. jayselle

    jayselle Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    2011 Prius
    Supporting the troops and being against Bush is not grey.

    Not supporting Bush is fine and dandy. Not wanting harm to come to our troops is great as well. I see no problems with this. I know there are people out there that say you're only American if you support Bush and Troops. I call that grey.