I've got a week-old 2010 III with nav. I've seen lots of chat about setting up voice tags, and have been successful doing so myself (in spite of NO mention in the manual). But what's the point?? I've discovered I can use voice commands to call ANY of the contacts I transferred from my cell (pretty cool), so I figured Tags were some sort of voice activated speed dial that would avoid the five or six step process otherwise required. But I've been unable to find any procedure that will actually make use of the tags I've recorded. What am I missing? (I do have several contacts set up in the on-screen speed dial system, but again, can find no association with that system and the Tag deal.) So again, my question: Once tags are recorded and in the "system," how do you actually USE them?
I'm just as clueless as the rest of you guys. I have no idea what Voice Tags are used for up and over the normal voice recognition tags.
I'm feeling better now that I know I'm not alone. My suspicion is that the new '10 model has an improved overall voice recognition system and they haven't bothered to "undo" the references to the old one. Just sayin'
That's a strong possibility... old cellphones required that you enter a voice tag for each contact in your address book before the voice recognition feature will work. Newer (and current ones) will recognise your contacts name entry without voice tag.
I just got my Prius today, and I could be wrong, but I set up a tag. When I did the "dial by name" voice command, and spoke the tag, it repeated the tag for me and found that person. I spoke only the person's first name in the tag, instead of their full name. Basically, I think it's to aid the computer in figuring out who you are saying, if you are having trouble with the contact or want to call that person by a different name then is on the contact.
Yet another good point! Perhaps it helps if the person has a hard to pronounce (for an anglophone) ethnic name.
Not sure if that is what it is for, as I have not set up any voice tags, yet I can still bring up a contact by only using a first name. If more than one contact has the same first name, it will normally bring up a list to choose from, but not necessarily all of the contacts with the same first name.