Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit There is thread to that effect on FHOP, and the FHoPol threads. It seems that Gen 3 owners are more mainstream and way more "conservative" as a rule than previous generations. I guess that is proof that Hybrids will sell to the "average" American Driver. That's a good thing I guess.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit Ha! Several times a year I used to travel between Greensboro and Raleigh, NC on I85 with five school activity buses governed to a max speed of 45 mph. The speed limit was 65. Cars and pickup trucks used to pass the line of buses on the right shoulder usually blasting their horns and often displaying the usual hand signal for extreme displeasure. Made for a crazy ride. BTW I lobbied hard that the 20 mph difference was unsafe with no luck. On any uphill at all we dropped to 30.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit that is a very sorry tale and a sad commentary on the state of the union.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit BUT BUT when one knows what is best for everyone else, doesn't one have the obligation to force everyone else to go along? And we wonder why some people don't like us a whole lot?
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit The economy is already "wrecked." 8-10 dollar per gallon gas is coming, whether we like it or not. Best prepare by slowly jacking the price now. Besides, doesn't our goobermint "need" all those new taxes? The point is, motoring around in hydrocarbon sucking vehicles like there's no tomorrow is not sustainable - the Prius is a very logical response to a situation that is being buffered out by "cheap gas." And, believe me, gas that is cheaper than bottled water is ridiculous, given it's real cost in solar income terms. I thought people on this forum would be more educated about the Peak Oil problem than this.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit I do that religiously, yet tailgaters hang out or in a few cases pass using the right shoulder on an uncongested road. Have I done anything wrong?
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit not legally or logically, but definately in their eyes. and many have made their feelings known on this thread.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit I realize my post may have come across as completely negative with regards to people driving slow in the far right lanes but my feelings as a prior drag/street racer and as a hybrid owner are mixed. I can see the safety issues raised by someone not traveling with the flow of traffic but I also feel that no one should be required to drive at more than the posted maximum speed limit. I actually get irritated when I am forced to drive above the speed limit so I don't cause an unsafe situation when traveling on 2-lane roads but I do it anyway. As much as I would like to just say "screw them" I then picture being the indirect cause of an accident where some innocent individual is hurt or killed and IMO saving a bit of fuel just isn't worth it.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit I feel the same way. I don't see why everyone have to be there yesterday.:mod:
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit True. I've suggested elsewhere an increasing tax of 10 cents/month for 5 years. Prius was a logical response - now nothing but EVs will do. But from Peak Oil perspective - we are late. Very late.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit Maybe they are trying to get somewhere before the girl changes her mind?
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit i hear you, and there are times, even in the right lane, where i feel like an accident could happen because i'm doing the spped limit, with people coming up behind me so fast i think they are going to hit me and they weave in and out on both sides of me. but if there is an accident, did i cause it? i think not my friend.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit Legally no but in spirit? Kinda. I put the ultimate blame on the impatient fool that went about weaving through traffic but my conscience would still suffer. Either way, I don't get upset with the slow drivers. The have just as much right to go slow as I do to go fast and in the grand scheme of things they are saving fuel and being less of an a$$ than the rest of the road ragers using our roadways. lol
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit agreed. but does anyone have a 'right' to go faster than the speed limit?
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit I'll leave that for a Fred's House of Politics discussion topic since I am willing to bet it would turn into a political issue. lol
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit I would like to see tailgaters taken to a public square and put in the guillotine. OFF WITH THEIR HEAD !!!!! they are SO rude and inconsiderate! that is NOT the way life should be lived!
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit I've had a number of cars over the years and while some high mileage "communities" hate me I have always been an advocate of driving style and doing whatever you can to improve mileage. The idea that slower speed guarantees safety or better mileage is pure ignorance, it's just not that simple. In my '08 Prius I can hit 60 MPG by driving slower and managing the uphills and downhills on my cummute. Doesn't compare well to the other cars I have because it is a completely different way of driving. My '01 F350 Crew Cab Diesel pickup I get the most improvement in mileage by keeping the EGTs low and coasting down hills, regardless of speed. Dropping from 75 to 55 did improve mileage, but nowhere near as much as the other two things. I've been able to get 18MPG+ in that truck, unloaded of course. My '98 Tahoe like 60, and did get better mileage at lower speeds. I was able to get 19MPG in that thing, with the AC at 65 with 4 adults and gear in it. Monitoring the acceleration gave me more of an improvement than the top speed up to 65, over 65 aerodynamics became a HUGE issue in that thing. Mileage difference between 65 and 50 was very small, 65 to 80 was HUGE. My '91 Taurus SHO go the best mileage at 70. At that speed the engine was in it's most efficient part of the power band. I got better mileage at 70 than at 60, or 55. I could pull 29 MPG out of that car at 70. Higher speeds dropped the mileage, but not as much as you might think. While I could get 29MPG at 70, I did a trip from SoCal to NorCal averaging closer to 90MPH(calculated by freeway time and distance) and I averaged 27MPG(calculate by distance and fuel used). My '85 and '84 Honda Accords like slower speeds and did get better mileage at 55 than higher speeds, not much improvement for less than that. If you really think slower speeds guarantees better mileage you have bought into the lies and propaganda. It's just not that simple and in reality has much more to do with the aerodynamics, engine torque curve, gearing, and driving style than speed. If you want to do something that will actually help improve the mileage of all cars, mandate installing feedback systems, like the MFD in the Prius, and do more to educate people on how to figure out what the best method for THEIR vehicle is. One size does NOT fit all.
Re: Imagine a 55 mph Speed Limit Most states allow vehicles to go at least 30 miles an hour under the speed limit on freeways, often 40 under. On two lane road you may need to obey an 'over 5' rule Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 46 Motor Vehicles - Section 46.61.427 Slow-moving vehicle to pull off roadway - Washington Attorney Resources - Washington Laws In no case need you limit the rights of others when you choose to go 55 MPH.