Has anyone heard about Toyota removing the "remote start" from the options? I tried building a vehicle today and the option was missing, gone.?
I was able to build it with remote start. What Zip code are you using, as the options that you will see when building your car online is determined by the zip code that you enter. I am assume that the distributor for your part of Canada. If you try to build it using my zip code (60181), you will see that the remote starter is a $529 option. If you cannot build it with this, you should be able to easily have it added by your local dealer, though you may end up paying an installation fee. Finally, you may want to consider an after-market remote starter as you have an effective range (to start the engine) that is several times further than the Toyota one.
ah....thanks, I'll try using your zip. Funny, I did it last fall and it was there, and now its gone, oh well.
Yeah, I am sure that the regional distributors can add and remove available options at will. Maybe this model was not selling will in their region, and they are locally offering a different model in the showrooms, as an after-market - before-delivery option?