I'm wondering if anyone knows how to disable the automatic locking function. I don't want the car doors to lock when I shift from Park or when I hit 14 MPH. I had the dealer do this on my 06 Prius, but don't want to go in just for that, and don't want to wait until my first service.
Only the dealer can do it. While you're at it, check the manual for all the other stuff you can have the dealer do--makes your trip worth it. I had my whole list done before I drove away with the new car.
Do you know what page this is on, in the manual? I have looked once before, but I've forgotten. I would love to see once and for all, a concise list available in one posting... ;-)
There's an entire chapter near the back of the owners manual, with pages of items. I believe it's called customization, or something similar.
There's another thread on this topic somewhere that does a better job of explaining the procedure than the owner's manual. Essentially, when it says to hold the lock/unlock button down for at least five seconds, what they really mean to say is to hold it down for exactly five seconds.