It says to turn until it clicks once, but mine won't click. I can turn it just so far and no more, but never a click. It seems perfectly tight. Is it OK?
Mine definitely only clicks once. It has been an adjustment since all previous cars would click many times. The click is not very loud.
Isn't there a specific dash warning for an untightened gas cap? Years ago, the 'loose gas cap' was a big issue in that it would turn on the 'check engine soon' light. In a panic, people would take their vehicle in for service, only to find it was just the gas cap. Eventually, automotive ECM's were programmed well enough that they would recognize 'non-fatal' warnings such as a loose gas cap. The warning would appear briefly, the code would be stored (presumably to be cleared the next time the vehicle was at the dealer), and the light would go out.
As far as the warning, it is still the check engine light (yellow triangle) that will light in this case. As mentioned, the click is very faint on the Prius.
I think things on a new car should work the way they are suppose to, I'd take it in and have it fixed. It might work forever the way it is or it might start leaking as soon as the warranty is up.
Time to break out the channel locks and give the cap a serious turn. Seriously, my salesman said to bring the car back in if there some minor issue or question like that. Call the dealer and have them demonstrate what to watch for. If it doesn't work, then they need to fix it. I was used to my Matrix that made multiple clicks, so the first time with the Prius, I also wasn't for sure if it was sealing correctly.
The Prius cap is a bit different to other caps I have seen. The Prius cap only does one quiet click and that is it. On the Yaris, the cap goes click-click-click-click very loudly. I'd second popping into the dealer so they can show you what should happen. If it doesn't happen, you are in the right place for a fix!
Is there really a warning light if the gas cap is not properly closed? is it mentioned on the user's manual?
I don't think there is a warning light that says "the gas cap is loose". It turns on the check engine light because the gas tank is no longer pressure tight indicating and emission control problem.
If the problem is resolved (i.e., the gas cap is tightened correctly), although a trouble code is stored is the ECM, doesn't the 'check engine soon' light eventually go out on its own?
Will try once with mine to see what happens - I'loose it and see if get any beep or flashing light on the dashboard...
coincidentally, the engine light came on in my wifes hycam the other day. thanks to some threads here, i checked the gas cap and it was almost completely loose. i turned the car on and off four times allowing the engine to come on for a minute each time. the light is still on. we'll drive it for a few days to see if it resets itself before taking it to the dealer.
Go to an auto parts store that reads codes for free then research it. If it something serious take it to the dealer. If it sounds like a loose gas cap just clear it. A real problem will trip the light again.
It requires an OBD2 reader that handles the CAN protocol ($75-$150). AutoZone (and PepBoys) will read and reset the code for free using one of their OBD2 readers. JeffD
check out this past thread