Hi. I am reading my manual.. yes, actually reading it.. I am so proud of myself Anyways, it mentions a setting for turning the "Steering Switch" on and off. It doesn't define what the steering switch is or does.. anyone care to enlighten me? THanks, Tony
I have never turned it off to see what wouldn't work any more. I think it refers to the switches on the steering wheel, although why anyone would want them off I don't know. Keep reading, it's a good book to have around if you are having trouble falling asleep.
When I search for Steering Switches in the Owner's Manual, it takes me to a section 3.2 on Steering Switches and it talks about the buttons on the steering wheel that control different functions such as the audio mode, volume, AC temperature, etc. Is this the section that you are referring to?
not near my manual at the moment, but it was in a settings section. The same section that talks about turng off the eco light and setting the clock. Thanks, Tony
i have buttons on my steering wheel. now i'm reading my 6 year old manual for the first time. could lead to more quwstions/trouble!
If you turn it off you will not see the steering wheel controls overlay that comes up next to the speed on the display. Just turn it off and then use the steering wheel buttons you will notice the difference on the display by the speedo.
Thanks to all that replied. I would have called that option steering control overlay . Just my two cents.