Setup: iPhone 4 (with iOS4) with my 2010 Prius III w/NAV, plugged in through the USB, using the AUX. Unlike the other threads (at least that I've seen) on iOS 4 volume problems, I don't seem to have volume problems during calls, only when playing music through AUX. Here's the problem: sometimes the AUX audio volume is really quiet (e.g., I need to turn it up to 33 or so, when usually 18-20 is to my liking for volume level). One day it was low, so I had the volume up to 33 for a while with no problems... and I received an email on the iPhone. The phone played the mail notification and immediately following it, the volume shifted back to regular (blasting me... so I had to immediately turn down the volume). No problems with the volume until at least I received a phone call or turned off the car (I haven't paid attention to whether a phone call would undo the "fix"). So now, when the volume is coming out low, I just send myself a blank email to get the mail notification, and it fixes itself... It's annoying that this is the only way I know of to fix it. (Just playing a "Sound" on the phone doesn't seem to fix it, by the way...). Anyone else having similar problems? anyone know if there is a way to actually fix the problem? Side note: By the way, my iPhone 4 is usable in AUX almost all of the time, whereas my 3G got the "Cannot read from the USB device" probably 1/2 the time or so... I'm very happy about that... Thanks, -mathferret
Try this. Start with the cars volume at a normal level (~20-30). Start a song. Turn the volume up and down on the iP4 using the volume buttons. Does the volume go up and down as you change the volume on the iP4? On mine it does. I usually set my iP4 to almost max volume for the 30pin connector which gives me a volume on the car of 20-30. The phone will remember volume levels for different outputs; headphone jack, speakerphone, bluetooth, and 30 pin connector are all different.