I want to drive from A to B. I put in B's address, nav shows me 3 routes from A to B. But I want to go by MY OWN route, and have Nav remember THAT SPECIFIC route from A to destination B. In other words, once I enter a destination, can Nav track the actual route I take and store it for me?
You can follow the little tick marks left on the map (I call them breadcrumbs) back to your destination, but I haven't found that the Nav 'learns' from experience.
Thanks mianerinexile. I asked the dealer yesterday, he said it WOULD remember! I tried, but it didn't seem to work.
Doubtful. I feel like the navi in my 99 and 03 TL's outperformed this system. After 2000 miles, I am not overly impressed.
Just curious--if you know how to get from A to B, why even bother with the nav, much less want it to store your route?
Here are two examples of how this feature can be useful: 1. I am in a hotel (A) in a strange town, and need to drive to a site (B ) 20 miles away everyday for the next 2 weeks. On day 1, I have a local with me in the car, he tells me exactly how to reach B. He knows the most "efficient" route...roads with minimum traffic, stop lights, school zones, avoid rough neighborhoods, etc. This might involve 20 turns, freeways, 1-way streets, plus a covenient Starbucks en route, all of which I may not be able to memorize. I want NAV o remember THIS route for the next 15 days. 2. I might carpool with 3 coworkers to work, and it is my turn to drive. Once my 3 friends have told me on day 1 how best to reach them, I would like NAV to remember the routes (at least until I have done it long enough not to need NAV's help). In short, remembering a specific route from A to B will really help in short-term repetetive situations...travellers, salesmen, newly relocated, etc.
FWIW, the Gen II has a nav feature called Route Trace. (Pg. 76 in the 2008 Navigation System Owner's Manual.) Don't know about the Gen III. "It is possible to store the traveled route up to 124 miles (200 km) and retrace the route on the display." Then it tells how to begin and stop recording the route. I have never used this feature. It sounds like this is just an "out and back" sort of thing, and not something you can store and recall for use at a later time. Close, but no cigar.
I had a situation where I suspected that the NAV learned my preferences. After several days of following a route that was close, but not exactly, the NAV selected route, it started recommending the route that I actually was using. There certainly is no direct way to request this behavior, and I've never seen it in any other cases. But I did get a hint that it upgrades the scoring of various alternatives to include a route that you've followed before. Only Denso actually knows.
The real test would be to disconnect your 12V battery to reset the Nav system (and, unfortunately, lots of other things), then try it again. To the best of my knowledge, the US Nav system doesn't have any non-volatile storage that could hold such data. That said, my lack of knowledge is limitless.
On marine and aviation navigation systems these are called routes and can be stored for later use. You create a series of waypoints and tie the points together into routes. Unfortunately most automotive navigation systems lack this feature. I consider it a big omission. I often use the nav system on routes I have driven before, as it helps me remember lane changes, and displays time and distance information, but often I want to customize some portion of the route. The only way to simulate custom routes with the Prius nav is to save a series of destinations, and then link these destinations. Each destination serves as a waypoint on the route. Unfortunately you can't save the route, but you can save the destinations. You have to link the destinations each time you use the route. Tom