I was driving through the Appalachian range in WV last weekend. During an upslope, I could hear the car dragging, the noise that we hear when we go on a steep slope. But even after I reached a plateau, I had a hard time going above 65. The more gas I pressed, the car never went above 65. The noise was still evident. After a few times, I switched to Normal mode (from ECO), and it marginally seemed to improve but not completely ok. For about 120 miles of Appalachia, I had this thing happen. Is this normal? I thought newer cars, especially on a plateau should not have this much loss of power. Any insights would be appreciated. I am going to get my 5000 mile service today, and anything obvious I could bring it to the dealer.
What was the traction battery icon indicating during this time? Have the dealer check for codes while it is there.
i do not remember the traction battery but i am sure it was not very low. during the oil change, the dealer checked the codes, and found nothing wrong. he said there is nothing wrong. not sure what to make of it.
Could you provide some sort of Google map showing the route or sections where this occurred? Bob Wilson
It is the I-68 stretch from Morgantown all the way until Maryland, about 120 miles. i was driving from columbus to DC. [ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=columbus,oh&daddr=Washington,+DC&hl=en&geocode=FVjCYQId9okN-ylx3pC5wYk4iDEztbHP-GYy5A%3BFQh-UQIdsoRo-ylb5PZa3sa3iTEqXYjUIkVSwg&mra=ls&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.682067,81.474609&ie=UTF8&ll=39.909736,-79.255371&spn=3.606633,10.26123&z=7"]Columbus, OH to Washington, DC - Google Maps[/ame]
"B" would not limit the power. In fact, the car would feel more powerful (though it wouldn't be) due to the more "direct" response to the pedal. Did you accidentally cover the battery cooling intake? What you experienced is what happens when the car looses the use of the traction battery, either from discharging on a long uphill or from temperature (the system won't use it when it is too hot).
- I was not in B mode, for sure. I was driving in D all the way - Battery Cooling Intake - Is this the one to the right of the right rear seat? If so, it is possible as there were two people at the back.
My guess would be you were using a lot of assisting battery power getting up the inclines, so at the time of a lot of engine noise and not much power you were basically using MOSTLY or ONLY the engine power ... no accompaniment by the battery. It happens ... nothing to be concerned about.