With the proper equipment, you can be warm and dry in the nastiest of weather. Although, carrying even lightweight versions of your kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom with you can be kinda heavy. In your position, I'd do the same thing.
I'd keep my mouth shut if I could. Both when meeting women and after eating half of what I do at meals. I sweat a lot when hiking, especially uphill. In cold weather the sweat turns to a chill. A hot shower washes all that away and I sit down to supper feeling reborn. Without the shower, yuck!
"If you go in the woods today you better go in disguise. If you go in the woods today beware of a big surprise. 'because every bear that ever there was is gathered there for certain because today is the day the teddy bears have their picnic!" Emphasis mine, and "bears" is correct. According to my big unabridged Random House English dictionary, "bears" is the plural of "bear," though "bear" is the collective form. E.g.: "The bear population is made up of many bears." "I went out to photograph bear, and managed to get a photo of two bears."
"One potato, two potato..." "Gonna pick me up some beers" "Coffee coffee coffee!" (The barista lifts 3 coffees up to the counter..or is it 3 cups of coffee...or was the customer just being impatient and only wanted one, like now?) Can you bear it?
You were the guy here who got arrested multiple times for protesting nuclear weapons right? You've got more balls than most men on here, and you always stick by your convictions. You will find a woman who appreciates that. You'll always have my respect. I think your issue is volume, get yourself more dates and expose yourself to more available women to find "the one". I assume you've done speed dating? Singles cruises?
Thanks for your good words. Yes, I've been arrested a few times for anti-nuclear protesting, and I've done time in jail and prison for it. I've jumped out of a perfectly good airplane 10,000 feet above Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I've scuba dived with sharks. But let a pretty woman say hello to me on the street and I freeze up in terror. So "getting myself more dates" is about as easy for me as throwing a silver dollar from the top of the Empire State building onto the top of the Eiffel tower. And, yes, I've tried speed dating, to no avail. Singles cruises are out because of my seasickness, and the fact that I have zero interest in spending a week on an overcrowded floating hotel. I did join a singles group at the UU here in Spokane, until I realized it was not people who were looking for love; it was people who were single and happy to be single, who just liked getting together to do something dull once in a while. I thought that swingers were by definition COUPLES who enjoyed exchanging partners.
I agree that this is a big issue for single people in general. When I was in my early 30's and had decided that it was time to get serious about relationships, my theory was that it was necessary to meet at least 100 women in the likely demographic range to find a suitable partner. Why? Suppose that your pickiness is such that you will seriously like 10% of the women (within the suitable demographic set) that you meet. You'll have to assume that they in turn will like 10% of the men that they meet. 0.1 x 0.1 = 0.01, or 1 out of 100 So this is why if you are not on a path to meet lots of suitable potential partners, it is going to be really tough.
In other words, you have about as much interest in finding a partner as GM does in building a reliable alternative-fuel vehicle. Sure, you may SAY you do, but if you really wanted to you would have done it by now.
Like I've said before, Daniel... you need a wing-woman. Figure out some venues that are promising - parties, museum events, concerts, benefits, etc., then get a friendly female to go with you who can chat up people, and introduce you around. You'll need someone who is familiar with you and your interests, your hobbies, and your good qualities, so she can work them easily into the conversation, like: "Oh, you skydive? You should meet my friend Daniel, he's thrown himself out of planes! He also swims with sharks and dolphins. Hey Daniel, meet [lady's name], she likes to skydive, too..." Be sure you pick a friend who is an extrovert, okay?
Ive read that a single women over 40 has a better chance of being kidnapped by a terrorist than getting married. So to cover all bases,look into becoming a terrorist . Then every single woman over 40 will be succumbing to your statistical advantage.
its like any "questionnaire". u either provide an answer that applies to yourself or provide one that conforms to the shape of the "answers" provided. that means you must be perfect square or a perfect circle.
I'm just glad you tried something Daniel. FWIW I met my girlfriend on Match.com and we are having a great time together!