While at the fair this weekend our group was asked by Rich Hirschberg, through me, if we could have some Prii attend an Alternative Fuel Vehicle Show. The date is August 27 between 11AM and 4PM at Elgin Community College in Parking lot 9. This will be held in conjunction with their "Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet" held in the same lot. More info at www.elgin.edu. Apparently Rich wants to have a wide spectrum of alternative vehicles and our Prius fits perfect. So maybe Tony, if your back from the wedding maybe can contact Rich. I know I intend to go with the family as we all like the classic cars shows, plus I can get rid of the last of the Prius info sheets from the fair. Wayne
Wayne, I've sent an email to Rich just saying that we'll try to get some Prii there. I went to the elgin.edu website and can't find anything about the fair. Is this an Elgin University sponsored event or are these people using the lot to host their fair? I'm guessing that Rich is not associated with the university or he would be more likely to have an email address with @elgin.edu. Do you know of a specific page that discusses the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Show? Does the show run from 11:00am until 4:00pm? If so, perhaps we can all meet for an early lunch before heading over there. Or maybe stick around for an early dinner. We've got to work some fun and merriment in there somewhere.
Thanks, Drifter. I received a response form Rich this morning: ----+---- Start Email ----+---- Hey Tony, A few questions first: You are or are not a Prius salesman? Just want to be careful not to step on toes because we have a Toyota sponsor. My guess is that you are simply an "owners group", which is cool. I have asked a few individual owners to bring their cars (an Insight and a hybrid Civic) and be available to talk to people as they come up to the booth; I know that I could use 2-3 Prius owners as well. But I want to have a balance of both manufactures, so if you have all your Prius owner friends participating, that will be too much. Maybe some of them can leave their cars in the parking lot. But I DO appreciate your enthusiasm for the show. Show Times: Opens to public at 11 am, goes until 4 pm. Plan to arrive about 9 or 10, depending on whether or not you have set up to do. The college can provide you with a "booth" which simply means a table and two chairs. If you have a folding canopy, you might want to bring it. There is no cost to you as a car owner just for displaying your vehicle. I hope that helps with the questions. Do you have any other questions? Take care, Rich Hirschberg ----+---- End Email ----+---- I confirmed that we are owners and that no one sells cars for a living. A question I have for you all: Should I bulk email again to let everyone in the group know about it? I try to limit sending bulk emails because I don't want people to think that I'm spamming. Even though I always have 'Prius' in the subject and provide every opportunity to opt out. But I just want your opinions. Should I send one or just leave it up to those who read about it here?
I vote for the bulk mailing. I thought I'd be helping my son move to college that weekend, but he says he can do it himself. =) Those juniors. It would not be a bad thing to see a Prius here and there...and over there...at the parking lot. I'm not sure I agree with the Elgin guy's statement that Maybe some of them can leave their cars in the parking lot. Certainly not! I keep it with me at all times. If the cell phone doesn't take up too much room. For a really arcane display, FireEngineer and I could display our cars side-by-side and see how many differences people can find.