Not sure. It's supposed to be out in July in Canada but I haven't seen it at the dealerships yet. They're advertising it now (and have brochures available). I've already seen them at the showroom but would like to take one out for a spin.
I haven't seen any outside the dealerships I go by, not even a poster. I just looked on AutoTrader and there weren't any until you got beyond a 500 mile radius of where I live. Then, there was a sprinkling of one or two per dealership here and there. My impression had been that there would be a huge promotional roll-out for the Fiesta. Do you think there will be when there are more of them?
The 2010 Fiesta's are out here, we have to wait until 2011 to get 2011 cars, for some reason they don't make 2011 cars in 2010 here. Yeah I know it's queer.
Geez, I remember driving a stick shift rental Fiesta in England almost 25 years ago. Floor shift with my left hand. Fast little car--in those days. They go fast over there.
lol - they do shift these small cars you know - still. They might not have a lot of power but can be great fun to drive zipping through the traffic and easy to park. Strange for us to see the fuss about a car which we've had for decades in various guises. I know our market goes for the smaller car due to fuel costs and the small roads in our old towns, but the Fiesta has continually been one of the hot sellers ever since the mid 1970's when it first came out. [ame=]Ford Fiesta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Strangely whilst looking for the link above I notice the origianal Fiesta was sold in the USA for a short while before being dropped. Funny how things come full circle.
Unless you buy the hotted up version... The Fiesta RS, then it'll be even more fun to drive =) Weird. You'd think they would. They're advertising it here in Canada. Not heavily but there are ads.