Leatherseats.com says they're clearing out old GenII seat covers. Picked up a set of leather seat covers from them for $335, shipped. Maybe could've done better with a lower offer. Anyone else get these? Plan on following the steps outlined here and discussed here (the Bartlett leather thread).
Not quite as good a deal as the Bartlett sale, but certainly a VERY decent price! In fact, looking at the images these look suspiciously like Bartlett, which is a Good Thing. Who will be next? Someone low-ball them and then post what they took! That's what we all did with the Bartlett leather in the end (and they pulled the ad! :evil: ).
That's definitely the Bartlett kit. Since it comes with free shipping, start with $185 offer. That was the lowest we got for the previous bargain.
Actually I offered $145 and they countered with $150, which I accepted. At least one other poster got that price before they pulled the ads. But I doubt this new ad will go that low (they're a reseller in Oklahoma City, not the manufacturer - in fact, I wonder if they bought out Bartlett on that sale?). Seawolf, you need to add the leather seats to your signature list!
The people at Leatherseats.com confirm that these are, in fact, Bartlett seat covers. They bought out remaining stock.
A GREAT product! Lots of experience here on the board installing these. If you have any interest in leather, I'd jump on this before they sell out!
The leather set description does not seem to include the 2005 model, is this because it's different for real? ie would it work for a 05?
The 2004-2005 seats were slightly different so that's why the description for the covers says 2006-2009.
but apparently these do not come in grey, right? the bisque is not what appears in the ad, the bisque was a tan color?? am I right?? because i need grey.... any help? RD
I just got these today. 275.00 for the entire car. including a new console lid and arm rest covers! Cant wait!!
Clazzio is way too expensive. These were a steal... Anyone order these recently? I have not recieved any word from the seller since buying.... Did they provide tracking? Mike
They do come in Dark Grey- check ebay.. just saw them today for the same price as mine.. 299.00 or best offer from seller leatherseats.com
I have the dark grey that I got from leatherseats.com. I am very pleased with them. They were a pain to install, but are DIY if you have the time and patience. The end result is worth it. Definitely beats the $$ for a pro instlall. Cost me about 350 including hog rings, tools ets. Took about 20 hours to complete. Good luck.
Hey I just looked at these on ebay and they describe the backseat as "solid bench solid backrest" but our cars have the pull down armrest in the back. Can anyone confirm if this set allows that to still pull down or is it covered and rendered non-functional by the back seat cover? thanks