Just my Prius this weekend... I use an Audible Otis player with a cassette adaptor and this was wroking fine in my Sienna. In the Prius it eats the cassette, chews on it a little while and spits it back out. While "chewing" it clicks and buzzes and i do get audio out for the few seconds before it spits it out. I tried a real tape and it worked fine. Has anyone else seen this and is there a fix or workaround? I have an iGo transmitter but with batteries and all that is more of a pain to use. Also, I am getting a iPod and I understand there is an integration package for that I could use... jv
Not 100% sure, but I'll give you a guess: I think some cassette decks (which would seem to include the Prius) have a safety feature where if both hubs in the tape aren't turning, it figures the tape has broken-off inside and ejects the tape. Most VCRs will do the same thing. You probably need to find an adapter that has the hubs geared together somehow so both of them turn when one is turning. Dave
I use both an Audible Otis and Rio 500 with a casette adapter for listening to my Audible content. I haven't had a problem with the adapter, although my Otis keeps giving me fits! The Rio works great! Lou
Huh, I'll try playing some more. Do you have the Nav package or a different audio system? I had a lot of trouble with my Otis. After some fiddling and downloading a formatting tool I think I have mine beat into submission. It has been working great for several months now. I did have it replaced for the display blanking out but I think that was seperate. I even have a 128M SD in it working fine. If you haven't done so already go through the knowledgebase articles seaching for similar problems and get the format tool. While it is kind of arcane I think it did help. jv