New here, about to get my Prius, but I need to let them know tomorrow a.m. if I want to add the Paint & Fabric sealer to my car-- Wanted some opinions on whether it's worth it. I'm only considering it because I'm leasing and want to keep it in good shape. I plan to be careful, but I do have a part-time job at a stable and my car gets dirtier than most. The price quoted was $650, or $22 more on my pymt. It's Dupont Teflon for the interior & Zonyl for the paint. Any advice is welcome, June
Do you think you will get $650. of value done? Or can you apply a can of Scotchgaurd, and a bottle of wax once or twice a year be a better value for you? If you do get the treatments done ask if they offer free touchups, cleanups, and or inspections.
Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! It's a car dealer rip-off. Do it yourself if you must, and even then I wouldn't bother.
OK, thanks for your quick replies, I already love Prius Chat. I thought this may be just another dealer technique to sell overpriced add-ons, just needed confirmation--have now found alot of opinions online, and all are totally against it, so I feel good about skipping it.
My 04 just passed it's 6th birthday; the interior still looks new. Keep your's clean and you'll have no problems when you turn it in after the lease expires.
NO>>>>NO>>>>NO>>>> NO ! You can get Zymol and apply it yourself. $49.95 and ScotchGaurd for the interior. You can apply that yourself. Another thing to think about is $22.00 X the years of your note and the interest you will pay on that amount. This is gravy for the sales man and dealership. BeWare!!!!!!! X car salesman
For $600 you can buy a descent seat covers for front and back. It's something you can hold in your hand. It will still be there 20 years later. For $50 you can buy the Zonyl and put it on yourself. I'm sure it has instructions on how to apply it.
I am going to be one to give the "other" opinion. First, $650 is way too much. My dealer started out with $995 but I told him a friend had gotten it for $395 and suddenly the cost was $395. So, if this is something that you are really interested in push for a much lower price. Everything is negotiable. I work at a paper mill and the cars can get covered in the parking lot with boiler condensation, sawdust, etc. I needed something to give me good protection without having to constantly wax the car. So, for $395 I thought it worth a try. So far I have been really satisfied. The finish has a very "slick" feel to it and road tar and bugs wash off very easily. I just need to apply this once every 6 months and they guarantee the paint finish for five years. I have the option to renew it at this same price after five years. Can you do the same thing with regular car wax? Probably so but you won't get a guarantee to go with it. So, depending on your requirements and if you can get the price down to a more reasonable amount, it can be worth it.
$395 is way too much. One can of ScotchGard™ < $10 A bottle of car wax < $20 (even the super overpriced car wax / polymer / miracle fluid is less than $50) If you really want to spend $600, take the car to be professionally detailed and waxed once a year for 6 years.
You should definitely do some sort of fabric protectant. I got it on mine and it's saved me big time from some nasty spills.