If this is your concept of 'good news', I'd hate to see what you consider 'bad news'. 200 miles of California traffic on I-80 or Highway 50 climbing the Sierras to Tahoe would make me hate snow.
Yes to flex cuffs, no to duct tape. Is that you in the t-shirt? I tend to not get ... cougarish but.... is that you in the t-shirt? Sounds fabulous! I'd love to visit. I'm not sure it's his Prius he's suggesting might not be able to handle the hills. He might be referring to his other car. Thank you! I don't know if I would call myself a " 10+" but its always nice to hear someone thinks so. Even better yet, is to hear that someone doesn't think I'm crazy. I'm still scratching my head over this one. Since when is it asking so much to want similar values and life goals and someone smart enough to have a conversation with and who has a spiritual life? I didn't say he had to be a certain profession, have any money, be a certain age, or height.... I actually think that I've done a pretty good job of weeding out all the trivial qualifiers and am just looking for someone who I could partner with. I'm not sure I would be looking for much different in a business partner! ( Well, except for the part about me needing to find them attractive) He isn't overweight at all. His idea of a "potbelly" is maybe 5 lbs.
You should have seen the fairie princess one. Posting for lulz: You people and your complicated criteria. I just look for hot looking. I have the same tight-pants-wearing-fixed-gear-riding hipster build, but I'm much less hairy.
You must be a glutton for punishment.... I was under the impression that this thread was about how you were underwhelmed with the eHarmony experience. Then you go back not once but two times? It must be a very boring 4th weekend for you.
It isn't 200 miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic to get to the snow. At most the traffic starts 20 or 30 miles out from Lake Tahoe. Even at the peak of the bubble (2007-ish), the traffic didn't start until maybe 10 miles out of Sacred Tomato. If you left at rush hour, then yes there would be more traffic, but the traffic thins out after the commuters got to their homes. It is more a question of how badly do you want the white stuff. If real bad, then you should live where there is a lot of it. Personally, snow is best viewed from a long distance away.
Meh. There are parts of S.F. that are windy and damp, and there are parts of S.F. that are damp the 68 days (and some of those 68 days are not damp for a full 24 hours). It is all about micro-climates. It sounds like there may be a further de-selection occurring?
Those are fine goals to have. Just saying you could be in for a long wait. But you are MUCH better off setting very high standards and not compromising, than being stuck with somebody that doesn't work out. We've had this discussion before Geez you're picky
To Daniel (and anyone else looking) Skip eharmony (funny their ad was blinking above the thread as I started reading this) and post a personal's message on craiglist in the personal's and romance sections, (the world could use more romance, wonder why people tend to avoid posting in that section). E.g. spokane miscellaneous romance classifieds "m4w" - craigslist Keep adjusting message until you get some dates, and adjust it from there if needed; hopefully you will eventually met that someone. Good luck.
Jayman is so cynical he makes me look like a Pollyanna by comparison, and that ain't easy to do. I suspect he had a bad experience with a woman at some point in his life. Actually, 20 lbs over what the charts call my "ideal" weight, 25 lbs over what I'd like to weigh: small bones and not much muscle mean the chart reads high for me. This BMI site says 135 would be right in the middle of "normal," and this morning's 157 was plum at the bottom edge of "overweight." The problem is that Americans are so fat that obese seems "normal" and you have to be grossly obese before people will call you fat. A few extra pounds (using that term literally, and not as a euphemism for grossly obese) is attractive on a woman, but hard on the knees of a jogger. Yep. I've done that. No luck. I've also tried newspaper personals ads, other web sites, live matchmaking companies, and before the internet, matchmaking by mail companies such as the Classical Music Lovers' Exchange. I even went to a single's club once, but did not go in: The place was full of tobacco smoke, everybody appeared to be drinking, the men were all in suits and the women in evening dresses, and the music was a ghastly cross between Frank Sinatra and Inglebert Humperdink. I took one look inside and ran back to my car. Oh, yes, once I tried to sign up for Big Brothers, thinking I'd at least meet the mom, but I was rejected because of my criminal history. A few misdemeanor convictions with some jail and prison time for protesting nonviolently against nuclear weapons apparently makes you unsuitable to mentor fatherless boys. You might poison their minds against signing up to become cannon fodder in the next war.
I don't know if this or a similar show is still on TV, but a few years ago a dating show would offer a gorgeous woman up for a date, choosing between four or so candidates. Tests are done, and one guy gets booted each round until the winner (presumably) scores. One episode stuck in my mind, perhaps until senility sets in: The lady was a Californian 'New Age' type. She brought the guys up to the top of a mountain, and had everybody hold hands in a circle, close their eyes and absorb the vibes. Then each guy was asked to describe his experience. 3/4 said something along the lines of "yeahh, man, like I felt something deeply spiritual." The last guy said "honestly, I didn't feel anything." Guess which guy was the first one dropped ? I still smile when I think of that episode, and I love telling the story. Of course, the dropped guy was a doofus. Honest is not good enough. Honest and accommodating is required: "this mountain is transcendant. I hope you will want to spend our first night together right here." A desire for a 'spiritual' man makes me wonder if any delusions will do, or perhaps the paranoid variety are in vogue this year ? Whereas, perceptive and sensitive are rare and beautiful qualities to have and appreciate.
Thanks for the clarification. When you said "pot belly" in an earlier post I was thinking at least 50 lbs of excess weight, above the lower boundary of "overweight". Further, the website you are using as a guide does not take into account your age. I don't think it's reasonable to expect that a 60 year old man of a given height would (or should) ideally weigh the same as a 16 year old boy of the same height. In any event, I see that is not a significant problem for you.
I confess to feeling tempted to try it again too until Daniel shared his mis-adventures with us here. I agree. We do have a different standard of healthfulness here, as a direct result of the fast food and commercially produced food industries. :hail: My hero! From now on I'm just going to say I want a man who looks like a man. Genuine was my first mentioned trait. I would have probably instigated a conversation with the guy who felt nothing. A person can be spiritual and not feel anything on a mountain. I've met men who do "feel it" on the mountain and I've also met men who will claim to "feel it" on the mountain because they have learned that is how to get women. Trust me, most women can sense insincerity.
Or, your back if you suffer from degenerative discs (which I do). However, I have found that the pain that I experience when my weight starts to increase above a certain maximum point can be a wonderful motivator - I stop eating until the pain goes away and in the bargain, I have managed to drop around 5 lbs. I am right in the middle of the BMI chart.
I don't know if a 16-year-old is considered to be an adult for the purposes of BMI. There may be different ratios for children and adolescents. But here's the relevant point: It is normal for a person in our overfed nation to become fat with age. But it is not healthy. I couldn't give a rat's patootie about "normal." What I want is healthy. Me! Me! Me! I look like a man. Really I do! I have a beard, and I hardly ever wear women's clothes. I've been told, in all seriousness, that I am spiritual because I am overwhelmed by awe when I'm in the mountains, or the desert, or snorkeling or diving on a coral reef. And if you don't have it they run the other way. If I am anything, I'm sincere, and I get nowhere. But Jayman, who thinks all women are whores, can walk into a bar and the first women he makes an intentionally insincere remark to will jump into bed with him.
Well, then, perhaps you have missed the boat (er, bed) and need to practice on your insincere side? Maybe you could practice your insincerity with a Paro?: [ame="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/38096785#38096785"]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
Yes they are all insane for turning you down Daniel, but that's besides the point. First you need to learn and play their game, because right now you're apparently not speaking their sexual language/dialect. Jayman and I can't walk into a bar and take off with any girl we want, although it may appear that way. There's a bit of selective targeting involved that's been honed over time. There are cues you pick up on. Looks. Signals. Body language. Just read that darn book already. (Personally I think the name "Jay" has a lot to do with it. We are just plain awesome people and all. ) And yes, I'd say 8/10 of my "knockouts" were pure insane. Not your run-of-the-mill female gender-insanity (obsessed with their looks, knowing instantly who the most attractive woman in the room is and where they rank, etc.). We're talking eating disorders, depression, personality problems of every kind, addictive behavior, borderline suicidal, etc.
It's not exactly mainstream medicine, but you can lose weight easily with HCG hormone. The FDA is livid about HCG, so offshore is the best place to buy it. Costs about $65 to buy enough for sublingual use to lose 20 pounds. Lots more info is available by googling "HCG weight loss". There are several Yahoo groups dedicated to user experiences and sources. YouTube has videos on how to mix the HCG powder. Search YouTube for "hcg mix". I liked the one by Mamaclok, but there are dozens of others. One warning is to use a throw away email address. Giving an email address to some of the vendors opens a flood of spam. No problem with using a credit card, but the spam is a pain. Hint: Most of the HCG dieters seem to be women. Something to talk about with women instead of all the forbidden topics.
I guess I would have gotten dropped as well if I had been in the group. My primary rule is to be honest about who you are and the rest will take care of itself. If it is meant to be, it will happen. You can do some things to improve your chances (like move to S.F., for example); but be honest about who you are in the bargain.