I bought a used traction battery and used it for awhile when I was rebuilding the original pack but now I can't seem to find anyone interested in buying this pack. What can I do with it? Is the a recycling place that would be interested in it to rebuild it? I have it on ebay and had it on Craigslist, but nobody is interested.
lol are you teasing some of these members? I'm waiting for the mad rush fighting to take this item off your hands.
My understanding is that Toyota will buy it for $200. There should be a toll free number on the Pack.
Contact "Re-InVolt". They may not want the modules, which can be recycled locally, but I suspect they would like the housing and control electronics. If they express no interest, send me a PM and we can work out a deal. Bob Wilson
Gen 1 Prius Hybrid traction battery - complete: eBay Motors (item 170508042360 end time Jul-09-10 05:27:08 PDT)
From the point of view of an NHW11 owner who has a failed battery, the value of your battery is zero since your description says the battery logged 140K miles, has produced DTC, and it is therefore reasonable to assume that the battery is at or very near to end-of-life. I've heard that the $200 recycling bounty paid by Toyota is not available to end-user customers. If it is available that is probably the best alternative available to you, if you can figure out how to take advantage of that without having to pay freight charges. The metal shell and control electronics may offer a small value to a firm like Re-InVolt, as their policy is to obtain failed units from their customers when they sell their "remanufactured" units. You might approach Re-InVolt directly to see if there's any interest in buying your failed assembly. Another possibility would be for you to list just the traction battery ECU and system main relays for sale, since there's some demand for that. Assuming you are successful in selling that, dispose of or recycle the remainder locally. Good luck.
I'm interested as I said for the entire pack, for training this upcoming year in a school EV (Prius) Project. Please let me know the cost to ship to zipcode 75418. It'll need to be bolted to a wooden frame to keep from getting bent/damaged.
FYI I've called Toyota customer service about the $200 bounty, and they advised me that it's up to the dealer as to whether they choose to participate. I called 3 dealers in my area (Bronx, Westchester New York) and they both said they did not participate but were willing to take my used cells to recycle no charge. My Gen I cells were diagnosed as faulty and replaced with Gen II cells.
I also was unable to get the "bounty" from any dealership. I think it is an urban legend... I have 35 modules showing correct voltage and 3 modules not showing correct voltage from a 2001 Prius, if anyone is interested.
I did. They were willing to give a couple hundred bucks for the whole assembly, but after shipping and what not I wouldn't have much left over. If you are within driving distance of the Carolinas that would be the way to go.
Ron at Hybrid-Battery-Repair is buying them where he can. He's in NYC. While he specializes with the Insight I and Civic, he also works on other hybrids. Your Prius uses a battery similar or like the Insight I.
The funny thing is working through Team Prius, I contacted a very nice Japanese lady who was in charge of traction battery recycling. We discussed the different attitudes of the USA and the Japanese on battery recycling. I pointed out the USA has a tradition of independent, do-it-yourself folks who like to experiment with cars and systems. We don't have the somewhat closed cycle, recycling attitudes more commonly found in Japan (not exclusively, just a trend.) Regardless, she was helpful in getting one NHW11 battery 'bought back.' Bob Wilson
Well, I won the auction, but didn't hit the reserve price. What are you willing to let us have the pack for in price?