Nissan just took the first step in becoming like aptera and gm ... over promising and under delivering All they said today - June 30 is "we'll be getting back to you" I'd expect at LEAST, "hey we screwed up ... we got problems ... please forgive us" At least that would show integrity. .
I was surprised to get that one. I thought the email telling me to schedule the electrical assessment was the promised June email.
I agree that more information would have been preferable, would not call it a bust. A bust was what Tesla did with the people that put 5k down as deposits. Tesla told them they would get their reservation and additional info by the end of April (or possibly May, the is was in 2009). They then failed to send out ANY communication by that date. Took them a couple of weeks even after they started hearing from unhappy customers.
Hey, failing to meet a promised deadline for an email is no big deal except for anal retentive people like us who are desperate for information. What matters is getting a quality car delivered on time!
Wow. June 30th and Nissan's failure to follow through sure did throw a bucket of cold water on the PriusChat Nissan Leaf discussions. I wonder if they know what they hath wrought....
Yeah, one missed email and people are predicting the Leaf won't come to market for another two years. Incredible! As if the long list of screw-ups at the Nissan marketing department had anything to do with the engineering and production departments.
if there's one thing i know anout nissan electric vehicle production, it's... well, if there's one thing i know about nissan hybrid production, it's... well, that altima hybrid is way better than sales numbers show!
Sadly, it isn't just the marketing. I've had TWO cancellations from AV checking out my install location. .
I don't get why everyone's saying the didn't follow through, or didn't provide enough detail. I got a mail, and here's what it said: They even said why they didn't have info as promised: "still finalizing some details of the order process." What more do you want?
I got our July 2nd date cancelled two days prior. The Call came from AV. Our 2nd date for the 5th was canceled by AV also. Now we're on (supposedly) again for the 26th. I won't hold my breath. .
I agree with Mr Zorg. Some details about ordering have not been finalized. Maybe they've been listening to us, and realized they needed to make the ordering smoother or more fair.
Huh? But the contractor was supposed to be Aliso? I double checked my appointment for Friday morning with them, and I'm still on as of now.
Maybe . . . but there are/were others who had appointments on my two canceled day. I'm already getting fed up with AV, and fully expect them to do it a 3rd time ... at which time I'll freeze them out of the $99 fee on our AMEX. I'll wait for one of THESE . . . . : Electric Vehicle Equipment from GE . . . . . . if they pull the cancel card on us for a 3rd time. GE has ALWAYS delivered a superior product for less money, anyway. .