Depends how they want to price it. Here in Canada, the Insight LX (with cruise) is Cdn$23,500! The EX (US equiv is EX w/navi) is Cdn$27,500. The 2010 Prius is $27,800. If they want a cheaper hybrid (i.e. the Fit Hybrid), it better be under $20k. There's no reason for it to cost $23,000 esp. if it's based on the DX or LX models.
if honda can't do it, nobody can. of course, i can't speak for canadian pricing, not sure why they come in higher than toyota down there.
Appropo... cheapest ... versus least expensive. Makes a big difference. Let's not forget what happened to the new insight.
The Insight can be bought for about $4K less than the Prius. Not $3K. How do I know? We have both. The Fit is about $3K cheaper than the Insight. That means the Hybrid Fit won't be much cheaper than the Insight, since it has to be more expensive than the Fit. The Insight, by the way, is a much better car than being touted recently in the American media, which seems to be targeting the top two Japanese car companies with negative spin to promote GM and Ford sales. The Insight is much cheaper than the Prius, a bit smaller, but more fun to drive. 40-45 mpg is plenty good for the price--base about $18.5K discounted. No doubt Honda is taking the correct approach in minimizing hybrid prices. The cheaper hybrids will be the first to sell in a gas crunch or when the new EPA rules take effect in 2015. Expect Hyundai to also be a player here. And probably the Chinese as well. Those gas guzzlers still being sold out there won't be worth diddle in a few years on resale. You don't want to get suckered into spending big bucks on one.
This marketing approach seems very un-Honda-like. Traditionally Honda was considered the "premium" of the two giant Japanese auto makers. I guess Honda is just trying to find a way to eat into the Prius sales.
I don't see it going to market at $16,500 either. The base model Civic DX/VP automatic starts at just over $17,000, and the base Fit automatic starts at around $2000 less. I would assume the Fit Hybrid will start at around $2000 less than the Civic Hybrid.
The problem for up frugal US types is that the Fit is 'upgraded' domestically to appeal to the assumed mainstream demographic, and by the end of that, the base price has increased $3000. If we could buy a 1.3L engine without lots of electrical featury, under $17k might be possible.
Seems the idiots haven't figured out no one wants a half assed IMA cheapo "hybrid for everyone". Ironically no one wants the hybrid for everyone
by the way . . . I thought the Malibu would always have the distinction of being the cheapest Hybrid on the market ... even though it only lasted a few months. oh ... wait ... the OP meant that the Honda would be the 'least expensive' .
I'll watch with great interest. Curious as to what the projected MPG's of a Hybrid Fit would be, as I own a ICE Fit right now and average 31 mpg. Also I'd say as an owner of a Fit, that one thing I really, really like about it is the magic seat configurations. Seats fold down, and/or up to create a lot of cargo capacity if you need it. If the Hybrid takes that away? That it pretty significant to me. Don't know how Honda could keep the under the seat gas tank, the magic seats and add a battery pack....but maybe.... Take away the magic seats, and a hybrid Honda Fit runs the risk of just becoming an under powered small compact hatchback. Unless the gas mileage was "Prius Like" I don't see it working. I thought Honda's assertation was that The Insight was failing because it was too small, so their response is to offer a Hybrid that is even smaller? Hmm...???? I wish Honda would make an Hybrid Honda Element. I like The Element but could never really give it consideration, it's just not efficient enough. But it's size and openess almost beg to make it hybridized. I think an efficient, hybridized Honda Element could be a hit.
I had an 09 Fit Sport... Under powered to say the least.. but it got 30-32mpg.. I do miss the magic seat.. but the sacrifice was worth the 20 mpg increase
i think there would be a very good market for a bargain hybrid. one selling for 15,000 with minimal amenities, 2 door 4 passenger that gets 60 mpg modeled after the original insight but for much less money.