I appreciate all the follow ups on Hankooks. I plan to get some in the fall for my '07 Touring. I too had Nokian WR G2s on my Subaru and found them to be far inferior in snow, slush and ice to the the first generation Nokian WRs, so I wasn't sure whether they would be worth much at all on a FWD (since AWD performance was poor). Currently I have the Bridgetone Potenzas that came with the car (purchased the car used) and they seem very noisy to me. Looking forward to changing this Fall and wearing these down further this summer.
I went to Discount Tire and told them I wanted the Hankook Optimo H727 for my 2006 Toyota Prius. They said that tire does not come in the size I need and said I would have to get the H724. Does that sound right to you all, and is the H724 equivalent to the H727 (but a different size)? thanks!
As I said last month, I like the Primacy better. I purchased 205x60R15. Speedo is in agreement now with GPS (was 3 MPH faster). Mileage appears unchanged, but only 1 tank. I am running 42 PSI, same as I had with the OEM tires.
Re: Michelin Primacy vs Hankook Optimo tires Update after several more months. I'm still just as impressed with these tires. In fact, I'll be ordering 2 more for the rear of the 06 Prius, and probably 4 more to replace the tires that came with the new 10 Prius.
The H727 is different. The H727 was the one that was tested and top rated by Consumer Reports. The H727 does not come in the Gen II Prius OEM size of 185/65R15. You need to get the next closest size which is 195/60R15 (I wouldn't get the 195/65R15 size). If Discount Tire or other brick and mortar place refuses to sell you the 195/60R15 size because it's not OEM size, then just order them from Gripston.com for about $80 each, with free shipping and no tax. Then have them installed at a local shop for $15 to $25 per tire (but you should be able to find a good local shop that'll do it for $15 per tire).
Just bought the Hankook H727s from Sears for a total of $443 including tax. I completely agree the night/day difference compared with the GY Integrities. It feels like I'm driving a different car- noise, smooth ride, grip. Can't wait to take these through a Chicago winter. Thanks for everyone's advice!
Just bought from tirerack. 195/60R15 Hankook Optimo H727 Download Warranty Brochure PDF Qty: 4 Price Each: $69.00 Subtotal: $276.00 Shipping Sub-Total: $38.70 Sales Tax: $0.00 Excise Tax: $0.00 State Waste Tire Fund Fee: $0.00 Order Total: $314.70 Rebate: $-40 I'm estimating about 100$ (at most) to get the tires installed. so about $375 for 4 tires installed.
Be careful.... Your looking for a tire with the corecet rubber composition. You get what you pay for. Chech out your local Costco warehouse. Mechelins energy savers are priced right and followed up by a A+ Road hazard, Free Nitrogen fill, computer balancing, flat repair, road hazard that covers the tread area and the side wall. Free tire rotation and re-balance. ((Peace of mind tire service )) Often they have additional savings with a coupon. One problem, Costco is a membership club. What ever you purchase, make sure you
I just bought the Hankook's from Discount Tires for $400 installed out the door w/ tax. Since Sears was selling them for 79.99 each, Discount Tires gave me a deal. I got the extra sipping done to the tires as well for the upcoming wet/snow weather here in the NW. My question to everyone is, my engine seems to be working/be on more then usual now. I have only driven 8 miles on them, short distances each trips though. That might be the cause. But did anyone else take a hit on mileage?
P.S. If you go to Hankook's site, there is a $40 off rebate you can send in, so that means the tires will cost you $360 installed.
I tried to get Hankook 727s for my 07 Prius Touring, and the Tire Factory insisted 205/50/16 was the biggest I could go and that Hankook 727 doesn't come in that size (which is true,,,they have 55, not 50). Tell me, someone, what to say to get them to recognized 205/55/16 as an equally acceptable size for my car (that's not on my door jamb, and they kept pushing me toward other brands).
Same brands of the same size? Another 5mm might just rub when you turn the wheel with 205 width 16 inch wheels.
I got the Michelin Energy Saver A/S tires at Costco a couple weeks ago (they had a sale on Michelins). Very nice tire, and I think the mileage actually went up (got 55 mpg on my first tank with the tires). Feels better than the Integrity tires (original tires) that I had, they were pretty bald at 39K miles. They're supposed to have better braking and snow handling than the other options, in addition to improved mileage. They're a little pricey, but I'm glad I went with them. (I read the review about the "round and black becomes lean and green").
On page three of this thread, several folks indicate they had no trouble with rubbing, etc when using the 205/55r16 on the touring edition Prius. I'm assuming one suspension isn't that much different than another same year/same package vehicle. The tire guys kept steering me to other brands and totally different types of tires. Twice I had to say, "that's a low rolling resistance tire and it will suck in mountain snow." They saw "Prius" and couldn't think outside the box..."This is good for a hybrid too" yeah, well then it's not good for my driving conditions. I drive over the cascade passes a couple times a month all winter and, frankly, I'm too old to chain up!! I'll go to a couple of other places. I just went to TF because I got my last two sets there.
Here is a good "control group" for you. I haven't changed tires and my engine has been working more too. It's probably that we are finally getting cool mornings in the NW. My mileage dropped about 1.5 mpg this month over September, when mornings were in the 60s. You'll know for sure next summer. Summer mileage usually goes up, but with more sticky tires, yours might not change.
I too just installed the Optimos on my touring - no rubbing, no problems. So far I'm pleased with them, and no noticeable drop in mileage. Only 2k on them so far (the OEMs were toast at 55k) so no real longevity report yet. -MKL
I got my Optimo 727s for my Touring as I wanted: 205/55/R16. No rubbing, much better handling, quieter on Portland's porous, noisy roads, and no notable drop in mileage. I did a trip to the coast and several weeks of commuting to work and averaged about 51. During the summer and early Fall I was averaging about 52. I'm averaging 50-51 now with temps dropping into the 40s. I'm very happy so far, and I'll report again with my first trip over the Cascades in the snow.
I just got the Hankook Optimo H727's in 195-60-15 size installed on my 2008 Prius. A couple days later I had it aligned. The original tires had 41K miles on them and I was afraid to try and get through another Kansas winter with them. They were spinning out on takeoff on wet roads. My overall average MPG on the originals was about 46MPG with probably a 60/40 blend of highway/city driving. So far the Hankooks handle much better, have much better grip, seem to do well on wet roads and my mileage so far seems barely affected, although we are in that weather transition period where it changes anyway. My average MPG for the week I've had them is 45-46MPG. I'm feeling pretty secure that they will be a much better choice for snow driving. I got them through a friend who also installed them for $365. So, if I manage to get the rebate mailed in on time that will be $325 plus about $89 for the alignment, not too bad.
Link to Hankook rebate, where you can also enter to win a Mustang Shelby - maybe can trade-in for a new Prius http://www.hankooktireusa.com/greathit/ for contest entry w/ link to rebate http://http://www.hankooktireusa.com/greathit/forms/HK_Rebate_Form.pdf rebate form only -Red