Hi I'm not so sure what is the problem because when the ac light flashing and I'm closing the ac switch and turn it back on the ac start to cool again but start flashing after few min. Any idea?
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Check your owner's manual but it sounds like you may need AC service. This is one of those times when I would just take the car to a Toyota Service center and let them pull the codes and make a diagnosis. I tend to be skeptical of do-it-yourself AC maintenance because of the leak risk. The refrigerant is probably less bad than what had been used before but still, it is like my 'slow leak' tire. I can air it up when it shows low but the right thing is to repair or replace it. Bob Wilson
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Thank you Wilson. I just thought to grab sub sero from auto zone and see if it will help. What do you think?
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing What an AC shop will do is look for leaks. Although you can replace lost refrigerant, there is a certain amount of lubricant needed for the compressor (at least in most car systems.) It might work but I think you're risking the compressor ($$$). You may have to join the YahooGroup but here is one report that leads to my skepticism: Yahoo! Groups Here is a similar thread: Yahoo! Groups If you decide to perform the experiment, please take photos and post your results. We often learn from the experience of others. While you are in there, you might want to check the health and status of your belt. It isn't very big and they seem to last a long time . . . still it is best to patch the roof before the rain storm. Bob Wilson
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Hi Yakuzahi, According to the Repair Manual (RM957U), there are 2 possibilities; Compressor lock sensor circuit or A/C amplifier. You may want to perform the following checks to get the DTC from the blinking A/C light: 1. Within 5 secs. after turning the ignition on, press the A/C switch 3 times and turn the blower switch from OFF to AUTO. 2. Check that all the indicators light up and go off at 1 sec. intervals of 4 times in succession. 3. After this, the DTC check mode will start and you can read the DTC from the number of blinks of the A/C indicator. If there are no malfunction, the indicator will blink at 0.5 sec. ON, 0.5 sec. OFF and repeats. If there are malfunctions detected, the number of blinks will be the DTC and repeats until you cancel the check mode by switching the blower switch from AUTO to the other positions.
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Hi Thanks for the info but i can't see the ac switch blinking at all after all the process. any idea why? Thanks Zach
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing I had the ac light flashing on one of my cars a couple months ago. A new cabin air filter fixed the problem. Has worked fine even in very hot weather. Do this first if you haven't.
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Thanx i will give it a try. the cabin air filter locate behind the glove box?
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Yes that's it. They get dirty and clogged faster than you might expect.
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Well i did change it but still i have the same problem. I even changed the magnetic relay (cost me 78$) and it didnt help
ok one way we can figure out whats going on is, as soon as you put on the a/c the light blinks? you dont hear the magnetic clutch "click" to engage the compressor? if it does click on i would take a look at the sight glass which is near the inverter, it should be clear
Hi Well it doesn't start blinking right away; the A/C is cooling when I start my car in the morning for 20 min, and then begins to blink. When I'm in park, I can hear the clutch click when the light is on and stop when it is blinking. Tomorrow, I'm going to take my Prius to the shop of a friend of mine and see if he can help. He said on the phone that he thinks the problem being caused by the cooling belt. The only information that I find on many websites is that this is a problem with many Toyota cars.
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Finally i got the test to work!!! I got the code 21 but i will wait for tomorrow morning for the car to be in direct sunlight and check again when the A/C light is blinking.
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Mine just started displaying the "21" code too. My research found that points to the solar sensor. Could it be anything else?
Re: 2002 Pirus A/C Light Flashing Make sure you doing the test in direct sun light, during a hot day. when you check for codes at night time you will get Code 21 like me. When i did the test today, the light was blinking fast meaning that there is no fault at all. I think you need to wait for the A/C to blink and then preform the test. More about code 21: Code 21 is open or shot in solar sensor circuit. Possible trouble area are: 1. solar sensor 2. Harness or connector between room temperature sensor (locate underneath the shift lever, behind the small vent) and a/c amplifier, or 3. A/C amplifier.