As I explored in previous works, I am convinced that we are reaching the hinge point of a shift in human consciousness and the earth that will either lead to a rapid transformation of our way of life, our “civilization†and its basic paradigm, or the termination of our species in a series of intensifying cataclysms. One clear reason for this is that our technological powers continue to advance rapidly, while those who are currently in control of these galvanic forces reveal a dangerously reduced consciousness, a lack of forethought based on their self-centered greed, combined with a complete absence of ethical and moral development... The Gulf Oil Spill as the Unfolding of Prophecy | Reality Sandwich
Prophecy or not, one this is clear. Oil is disgusting. We should stop burning it and rather keep it for its value as a chemical compound rather than a fuel. Also, if there is somebody on this forum who is a geologist can they please comment on the factual accuracy of the article.
Human history shows us that if there is something people will pay money for, there will be someone who will dig it up and sell it. We saw this with the deforestation of North America. We see it with the slash-and-burn agriculture in Amazonia, where you get 2 or 3 years of a crop and then you have to move on. We see it in the complete failure of three-quarters of a century of full-on attempts to stop the flow of drugs into the country. And we see it in the petroleum industry. And when profit is more important to the decision-makers than is safety, disasters are inevitable. I agree with your recommendation. But the people running the oil industry are loath to leave all that profit for the next generation of businessmen.
At the very least this quote from the article is completely false. While methane is significantly more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, the only way you turn methane into CO2 is by burning it, which also significantly reduces the effect of it's contribution to global warming. I don't see how it's possible for a huge methane bubble to form under deep under the sea and then explode without access to oxygen. And once the methane once on the surface quickly disperses into the atmosphere. A quick search shows that there is no danger of some huge methane bubble deep under the sea exploding.
PEAK OIL Right on schedule, what those of us who bought the first Prius in the US predicted. We figured it would be a decade later, just in time to see the end-of-service for those purchases. In other words, we knew it would take a bunch of owner all driving for 10 years and at least 150,000 miles to prove the technology was worthy of ending the production of traditional vehicles. Of course, we weren't alone. 2010 was targeted as the year of the fuel-cell. The availability of hydrogen was supposed to be cheap & abundant then. We saw that as naive & reckless. Whatever the case, this massive stain in the book of history will most definitely be looked upon as a turning point in the age of oil. .
PEAK OIL is at least a decade off IMO, due to the fact that Iraq is about to bring some really lucrative fields online shortly. I think we have 10 years, and hopefully in this time plug-in hybrids technology takes over for our current generation Prius'.
It does not matter if Peak oil is now, last year or ten years from now, if we are not NOW working to move beyond oil. Our political system and our capitalist system are not geared toward solving "future" problems.
I love listening to the predictions of "we have xx years of oil" and we have xx years of coal." What it comes down to is either "life's really going to start sucking during my lifetime" or "check it out kids; life's really going to start sucking for you but I'll be dead so I don't care!" Either way, life's really going to start sucking.
Those at the top of the 'oil chain' will be the last to feel the effects, and the last to see any need for change.
Also, under the extreme pressure and cold temperatures at 5000 feet wouldn't methane turn into a gas hydrate? ie solid?