Not seen in this video: there's a guy standing under it saying how the Prius is more polluting than a Hummer. Hey, you can't have a goat bridge without a troll, can you?
Well they have nature crossing overpasses all over the transcanada highway system. Allows bears, moose, foxes, deers, whatever to cross highways and lets us record what crosses where and when for research. This is a little more scary looking though!
Goats are very sure-footed. I've seen goats climb what appears from a moderate distance to be a sheer cliff. The tiniest of ledges is adequate for them. It boggles the mind. There are wild sheep that can do the same, but I doubt domestic sheep could. I don't have have cliff pictures, but here are some goats at Durrand Glacier chalet.
Is it just me or does it look like the sheep in your first pic is taking a poop? I don't know if it is the tail position or the determined look on his face that made me think that.
Its a mountain goat, and yes it has assumed the same stance as my dog does just before she takes a poop. :madgrin:
What is sorta more bothersome... is we know the goats didn't build that bridge... some of that required a good amount of labor to put up.
LOL, the earlier talk about sheep had me thinking sheep and not goat. Lots and lots of these guys in Glacier National park.
There's a hike in the Rockies, where you go up to a col and over, one side is Larch Valley, and the other is Paradise Valley. I think it's near Banff, but I'm not sure of that. I've seen sheep both times I've hiked that route. But at Durrand Glacier there are no sheep, just goats. The goat in my picture does look like he's taking a poop, but I've zoomed in on the original, and I think it's just the slope making him stand that way. If you hike for a week at Durrand, you WILL see mountain goats. Sometimes they come right up to the chalet. A friend of mine, years ago, had domestic goats. They were very playful. In some respects they were a lot like dogs.
I had 'pet' goats as a kid [pun not intended, but hey, it's fun], and then a couple of milking goats as an adult. This would have totally made them happy! Hell, it might have kept them off the cars! LOL
My granddad used to be a rep for an animal feed company. Somewhere in the 50s he bought a brand new Fiat. He used to go around the farms taking orders and so on. One day he visited a client. When he was done and went back to his car he saw a bunch of goats standing on his new car! Beware when you park near goats. They'll climb on ANYTHING.
Even goats need some mental stimulation. It might even relieve stress and make them produce more milk, like cows. It's certainly fun to watch.
Goats seem to be more intelligent than most barnyard animals, and so probably benefit from more mental stimulation. I'm only taking issue with your use of the word "even."