My Prius has 65 243 miles on it. The dealer says she needs new front brake discs. How long do they typically last? Thanks
Depends on your driving manner, driving conditions, climate etc. Some have managed to get right up into 100k miles whereas I'd be very happy with 50k in my job. Guess you could take a second opinion to put your mind at ease?
You'll hear from posters who have not changed their discs or pads with more miles than you have, Like Grumpy,i myself am a Taxi driver and i did have to change my discs/rotors at 195,000km on my 06,the first set of pads were changed at 90,000km, You can put your finger on the surface of the disc at the outer edge and feel if there is a lip, Did the dealer give a reason why they need to be replaced?
I recall seeing a poster on this site with > 200,000 miles on the original pads. Like Grumpy said, it depends largely on driving style and conditions.
Are we talking about brake pads or rotors? For the pads, many have gotten way over 100k miles - extrapolating my wear at 30k miles, I could get more than 200k miles from the front pads. For the rotors, it is more variable due to possibility of rust or warpage in the rotors, but they usually should last longer than the pads. On other vehicles, I typically have the rotors machined when I replace the pads and then replace the rotors the next time that I change the pads. Rotors can usually be machined (resurfaced) at least one time if they are not excessively warped or corroded or have deep grooves from waiting too long to replace worn pads.
I think the dealer is blowing smoke. The parts are quoted at R3720,00 for two front discs and a set of pads, excluding labour. (about $460). I'll get a second opinion and if it needs to be done, then so be it. No biggie.
I did the pads on my 05 at around 100k miles. The rotors (disks) were in good shape. The pads were pretty thin at that point. Glad I didn't wait. Good aftermarket pads were around $70. Jim
I got a second opinion from a trusted mechanic friend (used to work on my BMWs). He says the rotors (discs) should be perfectly fine until the next service (due in 15000km). They are certainly not dangerous and as long as I don't experience shuddering there is no need to worry. He explained that severely worn discs have less thermal mass and can crack, but that a Prius is by no means a heavy car so no problem. He says he can do it for me for lunch and a beer.
^^ nice. Hang around and watch him, and do it yourself next time. replacing pads is trivial; rotors are bit more work. btw, I checked my front pads last month at 100k miles. They are worn down to 8 mm from an 11 mm new state. Replacement is recommended when they reach 3 mm.
I have an '08 with 95K miles on it, original brakes. Two weeks ago I was told I had 1/8" left on the pads and if I changed them at the next oil change I could just have the pads replaced and not need rotors. The mechanic told me he'd also clean the drums (is that right?) in the same labor hour as the pads. I heard a little squeak twice yesterday driving home, so I just called another place I regularly use, and they told me that it's standard procedure to change the rotors, that they don't make them the same anymore and it's not worth turning them. It's been a few years since I needed to have any work done on a vehicle, but I'm leaning towards the first mechanic. Even though I've bought tires and oil changes from the second one, I feel like he's BS'ing me. I don't have any family near my anymore to assist me, can anyone offer some advice?
There is a minimum spec for disc rotor thickness, 20 mm. (When new, disc rotor thickness is 22 mm.) I suggest that you use the first mechanic but ask him to measure the thickness of the rotors and advise you if below the minimum. In that case you should have them replaced. If you notice the brake pedal pulsing as you depress it, then the rotors may be warped. In that case I agree with the second mechanic that the rotors should be replaced instead of turned. Rear brake drum cleaning consists of removing the rear tires, pulling off the drums, and spraying brake parts cleaner into the drums and the rear brake shoes and other parts. That work should be done, and will take the mechanic around 15 minutes or less.
Thanks so much! There's no pulsating, but I'm going to call the first mechanic today. I'll update after with the result. The advice is very appreciated, thanks!