I was attempting the fog mod, and when i finished I noticed that my auto window up/down did not function and the "auto" on the window switch was blinking. After restarting it worked fine, but when the window completely closes, it sounds like the motor is still trying to push it up. I heard that if the diconnect the battery, "normalization of the windows" may be necessary... What is exactly is that because i think i may have "un-normalized windows" now... and how do I do it? Thanks to anyone for the help
run the window down and keep holding the switch down for about 3 seconds then run the window up to the top and keep holding the switch up for 3 seconds. Should work normal now.
It did not seem to work, after trying that and going up and down several times, the "auto" kept on blinking and the window actually seized moving half way closed while I was still holding the switch up... Could this be an electrical problem, something I did wrong while performing the fog mod?
From the owner's manual: To normalize the power window: 1. Push down the power window switch and lower the window halfway. 2. Pull up the switch until the window closes and hold the switch for a second. Make sure that the window opens and closes automatically. If the power window cannot be operated properly, have it checked by your Toyota dealer.