In about 15 hours my wife will be picking up her red 2010 prius III. The only option is floor mats. I'll post some pictures soon. She is trading in her Mercury Mountineer(15MPG). I hope the prius can do a little better on gas.LOL A few questions. How are these cars in the snow and ice? Mobil one or something else? Should she buy the extened warrenty? Well that's it for now. Your friend,Jay
I thought I was the only one to count hours. Hope your wife enjoys I believe she will slightly improve the 15MPG
Congrats! Snow and ice? Get good snow tires and don't drive in snow deeper than about 6" (bottom out possibility). On ice you should be as good as or better than most other cars (as long as you don't do anything stupid). Oil? I buy my own Mobil 1 and only give the tech 3 qts to put in. Check the dipstick after the car sits idle at least 1 hr and verify level is midway to 2/3 between the marks. DO NOT OVERFILL!!! Extended warranty? I don't have true figures, but I would guess 19 out of 20 purchasers regret wasting their $$$. I just bought an '05 for my wife with 117K on it and did not buy a warranty.
I have a Ford Explorer that also gets about 15 mpg. The Prius will get a minimum of 3 times the mileage under virtually any driving condition.
She's home and in the garage. I'll be spending tonight reading the owners manual and watching the DVD. The salesman spent about 45 minutes explaining everything to us, but it didn't all "sink in". Jay
Right on Jay! Welcome aboard. With snow tires on, the car does great. I had no problem up here (Alaska).
Thanks, everyone. I started reading the owners manual and now I have a headache. This car is way different then my Saab. I'm going to get my grandsons to explain the electronic to me.LOL Thanks again, jay