2 pounds of sugar dumped into the gas tank of the volunteer coordinator at the nature preserve that I volunteer at. $2300 of repairs so far on his scion and they haven't been able to test how far it got into the system. He believes that it was a local resident who uses the park for illegal activities and the work we do impedes on his ability to do so. The work we are doing is restoring the area of the Columbian exposition in the Chicago world's fair back to native oak savannah. Is this one of those situations where if I found the correct area at Toyota that they might help lower the costs of repairs? Any idea who that might be? I did send a note to the prius team on this site.
Chances are that you're not going to get much help on cost. Since it's a Scion, I'd recommend that you post on Scion Evolution and see what some local shops quote you.
What is the break down on the $2000 repair? Sugar does not dissolve in gas. All it takes is to remove the gas tank and flush clean of the sugar and the replace the gas filter at the fuel pump. Nothing will harm the rest of the car. Don't get taken like what had happen to my daughter's car with a bad tank of gas from Mexico. Don't let them to replace any thing beyond the gas tank, like fuel injector, spark plugs and other electrical stuff.
Not sure exactly what the $2300 is, not my car, but I think he said they have to pull the tank, flush it, and replace the fuel pump so far. I remember posts on here that went to the effect of: part X broke 2 weeks after warranty expired and Toyota helped with the repairs. I was hoping to figure out who to contact to try and help him out. While toyota may not have to help, they could provide parts at cost or reduced labor for this unique situation.
Off topic, but what part of the old fairgrounds are you returning to native oak savanna? Part of that area was swampy ground before it was used for the Columbian Expo, but I'm sure you know all about that. Tom
Good News! The prius team from Toyota who posts on this site contacted someone else at Toyota who contacted Ross (scion owner). They covered 50% of the bill! We had a work day on Saturday with 20+ volunteers led by a smiling Ross and a fully functional scion! qbee42, the area we are restoring is on wooded island and Bobolink meadow and woods. If you do a google maps search for wooded island it should zoom right in, the area that is now bobolink meadow is probably the marshy area you are referring to. Thanks to the Prius Team and Toyota! The work day on Saturday was so hot and humid that we forgot to take pictures, but we will on the next work day to send in appreciation.