from the NBC nightly news for the 4th 1. make only right turns, left turns usually mean a full stop and wastes gas 2. if going on multiple errands plan the route to make a loop around town planning the first and last errand to be near your home. 3. if stopping for more than 60 seconds, turn off the vehicle. idling more than that wastes gas.. (guess they dont drive Priuses...hehehe) is UPS serious about saving gas? if each driver increased one mile per gallon that would equate to 3 million dollars in savings.
#1 is true, as long as it isn't a red light or stopsign. Right on red and stopsigns require a full stop, though once it has been determined that the way is clear, proceed. But don't do that in NYC. No right on red there.
Small changes in habits and routes can make a lot of difference. My wife has a 2000 Honda Civic...11 miles to work with a 50/50 split on highway & city miles. I've tracked the mileage on her car since new and the lifetime mpg is 32.2. Her "straightline & shortest distance" work route included two stoplights, one of which she had to turn left at. Because of the light timing she almost always catches one of the red lights. For years I suggested she take an alternate route when going to work and use her regular route on the way home because it is more time efficient on the way back. The alternative route is 0.5 miles longer, but involves a protected left turn and 2 right turns, only one of which involves stopping and has stoplight which she can turn on as long as the traffic is clear. She ignored the heck out of me until gas hit $2 per gallon and finally decided to give it a try for "just one month". When she say her monthly gas mileage jump to between 33.5-34.0 mpg she was openly receptive to learning more efficient behaviors. I showed her how to get completely across town on the back streets and hit only 2 little used stop signs, how to think ahead and coast to the stopsigns or stoplights, etc. Her monthly gas mileage has moved up to 35.0-35.5 mpg. That's a decent improvement all based on changing learned behaviors. Now she wants me to raise her tire pressure (like the Prius) replace her oil with synthetic... hahaha...I think I've created a mpg-junkie.!