Without intending to be at all flippant, the problem is having bought a Prius. Especially with the Gen II, there's a lot of noise from the inverter and motor-generators. Here's a visual look at some of the electrical noise generated by both the Gen II and the Gen III. You may get some improvement by adding an rf choke to your power lead and speaker wires, and by positioning your antenna near the aft-center of your roof. It's unlikely you'll cure the problem, though.
I have a UHF/VHF ham radio in my gen II and don't have any issues at all. The rf chokes are a good idea...do you have your cb running directly off of the battery? And where is your antenna? Mine is on the roof.
A- UHF/VHF is FM. LESS suscptible to ignition noise, alternator whine, and other forms of EMI. B- CB is AM. ALL bets are off!!! AM is going to pick up every static crash, electronics EMI noise, etc. It's the nature of the beast. All you can do is turn the squelch way up to block it out, use the noise blanker function if the CB has one, or get a Amateur license and use FM. Simple test, 7 bucks, better situation. C- All transmitters, CB or otherwise should ALWAYS be directly hooked up the battery, BOTH Positive and Negative leads. Proper grounding is a must, and antenna placement is important!
Thanks Pat...I've heard people say VHF/UHF wouldn't work in gen II and just pointing out that mine works and as to battery yes, you're right which is why I asked the OP. Curt W6FQ
I used to date a Jewish Princess,... her favorite whine was, "When are we going to Plam Springs again?" WAH!!!
IF your plugging the CB into the prius AUX jack and powering the CB with the prius, you may need to get a ground loop isolator.