Stole my driver side mirror- the motor still works, looks like all that's missing is the mirror itself. Any ideas where I can get a used one? I find it odd someone would steal this thing, unless of course this mirror fits many other Toyotas. Just doesn't seem like the average Prius owner would steal off another Prius.........
You can get new glass here for $30, if you search the web, you may find it for less: Car and Truck Side View Mirror Glass Replacement - Prius You can get a replacment mirror here for not much more, but then it would need paint: RockAuto Parts Catalog Your average auto owner wouldn't steal anything.
You might also check with these folks. They are a 2004-2009 Prius salvage yard and rebuilder in Indiana. :cheer2: Good rep here for service, prices, and shipping. :rockon:
I found a place in Illinois that will ship it for $20. I still don't get stealing mirror glass from a Prius, unless of course it will fit some other car that some "illegal" is probably trying to rebuild. I take it those wires dangling are for models that have heated glass? As far as I know mine didn't.......It sure doesn't now! Whats the best thing to attach it back to the backing plate with??
I just replaced my daughter's mirror on a Corolla. It should be a snap in replacement and not an adhesive attach. The backing plate should come already attached to the new mirror. You probably need to pull the old backing plate once you get the new mirror if it is the same on a Prius.
It would be nice if it had the backing plate, I'm not expecting so for $20. It didn't really say whether it came with it or not.
You have heated side mirrors. I think all Gen II Prius have heated side mirrors, except for the stripped out base model that Toyota came out with in 2008 and 2009 where Toyota was able to reduce the base price by removing the heated mirrors, wheel trim rings, front seat back pockets, tonneau/luggage/cargo cover, and cruise control.
You should have two thin wires coming out of the mirror body with flat connectors that push on to the heated mirror glass connections on the back of the glass. The heating element ist permanently stuck on to the back of the glass. If it's OEM, it should have this. If its aftermarket, it may not. Make sure those two connectors coming out of the mirror body don't touch or you'll have a fuse to replace also.