I lost my key (SmartKey), and priced a new one at the dealer - almost $200 plus $58 to program it!! Does anyone know an alternative? I'm still looking for it in my house, but am afraid to think what would happen if I lose my other copy.
Re: Keys Yes, it is that expensive. Look hard. Look harder. If you don't find it you really need to buy another and get it programmed. Because if you don't, you only have one left. And if you lose that one you'll have to pay to have the entire ECU of your car replaced. Think. Look. Find. Or pay.
I'm sorry, Michal, but Godiva is right. The thought behind the extremely secure and hard-to-duplicate security code of the keyless entry is that it's cheaper to replace the fob than a stolen car. $258 really sucks to get a new fob. But think of it this way, without the fob it is absolutely impossible for anyone to drive your car. Therefore, your car is that much more secure. :-D When looking for your fob, keep in mind that it's possible to drive a running Prius without the fob. Therefore, it's possible that the fob is not in the immediate area of the Prius. Just a thought.
Re: Keys <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(michal\";p=\"108411)</div> [font=Comic Sans MS:44c2fcd4e6]Michal, why don't you edit your original post to take it off the calendar? I know your lost key is important to you, but not every day for the rest of us. Thanks.[/font:44c2fcd4e6]
Re: Keys I recently bought an extra smart key remote. Before I did this I looked through the internet and e-bay for any company who could purchase and program the remote at a cheaper rate than the $250-$300 quotes I received through various Toyota dealers in San Gabriel Valley LA. No luck. One company that specialize in remotes told me that the Prius key system is too new and even they don't have the program to do this yet. Toyota has the market on this one, for now.
Ouch! We've grown used to the comfort of knowing there was always a "valet" key to use if we lost our originals for our Honda and other Toyota. I was hoping to find a more reasonable price for the whole process. I would have had a "spare" made and put one of the "masters" in a safe spot.
When it comes to a hatch, the only difference that can come from a 'valet' key versus a 'master' key is that the valet key won't allow a tech to add more keys to the car.
Thanks everyone for your help. I wound up buying a new key, total about $240, and as predicted, I found my lost key one week later!! Double-ouch!! Well now my son has his own key.
Has anyone tried using a "bug" detector for finding lost fobs? Perhaps a wand similar to that used to "clear" a room of listening devices could find the Prius fob?