Deep sigh of relief. This was the answer I was looking for. Thank you. But it would be cooler if Mr's T's voice could say "Watch your speed, fool." But I will settle for a ding and you can be assured I will listen for it, though after this fiasco, I doubt I will EVER forget to slow down again.
Yea, being able to add our own WAV or MP3 tags would be cool. By the way, you set an icon with audio to your memory point. Page 69 of nav manual.
MS, I think you're right. In a perfect forum, in a perfect world, with perfect people we'd all think of others before ourselves and reply promptly and kindly to every post and never express and ill thought toward another. But, it's none of those things here, or anywhere. We have 7500+ members...each with their own personality and reasons for being here. I don't think it's good that we are so critical of others. At the same time I don't think it's good when others can't take the time to look something up in their owner's manual or to do a search to see whether their question has been asked 100 times before or not. As unkind as you think the responses are I think the lack of effort on the poster's part is just as unkind. Again, in your case you make, IMO, a very good point. You did get punished and surely are grown up enough to decide whether you'll speed in the future or not. I speed (downhill) all the time. I roll through stop signs. By posting that I know that there may be some goody two shoes out there who's going to reprimand me...My skin is thick enough to take it. I ultimately totally agree that your big mistake was to mention the ticket in the first place...wanna bet you don't make a mistake like that again!? Don't go away, it's not that bad here and you got a pretty benign tongue lashing. S**t happens, ignore what you don't like and move on. There's a lot more good to be gained here vs the bad that happens any day.
Are you (Alphateam) going to come ride the dream cruise with us? Meet at the Birmingham Unitarian Church Aug. 20 at 9:00am for a short talk on fuel efficiency and then we go to cruise..... Prii and other hybrids. This is an event put on by the Sierra Club and should be great fun, get our cars out there and is social activism in the flesh. PM me if you want more information or go to the Sierra Club website!
I wish I could. I still drive a 1995 Buick Regal. I have yet to get my Prius. I'm #1 on the list at Toyota of GR. I think I've decided to hold out for an '06
Now you got me thinking about finding and replacing those sounds when I make my backup DVD. (Having a little trouble locating the post with the instructions on copying the files that correspond to your own region. ) Also, don't forget that the Volume has to be on for the "With Sound" POI icons to make a noise. See page 63 of the nav manual. Louie
Well, if the volume is off as shown on page 63, you won't get voice guidance either. By the way, that volume setting has nothing to do with the radio. The radio can be off for you to get voice guidance, and POI sound.