I recently had new tires put on my 2009 Prius, the tire dealership asked if I wanted to have the tire sensors rebuilt for $7.00 a tire. I didn't know so said yes, thinking if I didn't need it I won't do it again the next time I replace the tires. Is this needed? or just a profit maker for the tire store?
I don't know there is any rebuilt kit for TPMS. My guess they are just put in a new gasket. Charging $7 for a gasket is outrageous, it should be free.
I've read a lot on this...and my tire guy is a personal friend. Both he and my internet readings indicate that old saying of my father's...which my mother attributed to pure laziness....if it ain't broke don't fix it. So, you did not need to replace them Of course, I'm still mad at tire guy Zeke for selling me my new Cooper "Girlfriend Experience" tires for my Prius a couple of weeks ago....chuckling the whole time, apparently. It's really the Cooper GFE, but apparently, men, including my husband, and how he knows I not sure I want to know....know that GFE is a popular term used by "ladies of the evening," to indicate a REALLY good time will be had
The only thing that should need "rebuilding" is to change the battery. These are soldered on the board, so if that is what is done for $7 it is a good deal. Otherwise, it is snake oil.
Yep, "rebuilding" comprizes of changing the butyl washer/seal. They usually charge you $2 - $3 for a new valve stem, so that should translate to about $0.07 for the little butyl washer! Isn't this a great country!
As others have said: if they're working, don't mess with them. This is just another ripoff by the tire salesman. My response now would be to kindly inform him that he has lost you as a future customer, because of his dishonest actions.