It was a relief to see that others are as absent minded as me by leaving the rear door open and backing out of the garage. I removed the interior upper panel and was able to access the spoiler mounting bolts. One bolt almost pulled through the hole in the sheet metal. The holes were convexed, so I pounded them down with a ball peen hammer. I replaced the original mounting bolts with 1" long bolts so I could put a washer under the bolt heads to reinforce the sheet metal. The spoiler re-installation turned out very good. Now I'm battling with re-installing the upper interior panel. Is there an easy way to do this? Is it better to do it with the door open or closed? I hope that I'll not do this again, but at my age anything is possible. I'm thinking about installing a "keeper" cable at one of the struts so the lid can't go high enough to hit the garage door cross member. Has anyone tried this before?
So, you didn't look in the mirror, didn't look over your shoulder, didn't see the door open warning, didn't hear the door open warning and didn't notice the extra light and sound in the car from the open hatch.... Maybe you'd be safer just not using the hatch at all?
don't feel bad lindon, twice, i've opened the hatch with the garage door closed, and then opened the door, only to have the opener arm catch the hatch on the way up. and once, i backed out of the garage without opening the door. ( course, i didn't get any farther than the door) and anyone here who criticizes us simply cannot admit there own shortcomings.
I shouldn't have been talking on the cell phone, looking at the GPS and listening to the radio as I backed out, but I digress. I still need some advice on re-installing the interior panel. I checked and all of the plastic clips are in place and not broken.
Let me add to the list: Years ago I backed out while the garage door was still opening and made a loud bang. (Haven't done anything similar with my Prius yet. Fingers crossed.)
I can top this story. Years ago, I had a bike rack on my car roof. We used to train at lunch time in a group on bikes. I worked late that day, was very tired and drove home to park my car in the garage. Unfortunately, I forgot about my Trek aluminum bike mounted on the Yakama roof rack. Amazingly, there wasn't any damage to the car or roof rack. However, the bike frame was a total crumpled loss at $1,500.
Ah, now I see the value of that "super-wide-angle, objects are waaayyy closer than they appear" backup camera...If it shows me the ceiling, something is wrong ;-).
Yeah, exactly. My wife did one of these (don't recall which), and I've cursed her every trip my spoiler rattled, but recently I did the "close automatic garage door with hatchback open" trick. I think I might try the "rope to keep hatch from opening completely" workaround. But I've noticed the arm on my garage door that hit the spoiler is longer than it needs to be (for different door dimensions). I think I'll try hacksawing that arm, putting some protective rubber on it, and seeing if I can avoid the problem better by parking farther forward.
I finally got the panel re-installed. For me, it was not an easy task. The key was getting the ends inserted into the bottom panel.
I found a great way around this problem.....I just filled my garage up with other junk and haven't ever been able to park in it, lol. Problem solved, no worries about any of those issues
LOL well, actually the most important thing in there is the Harley. There's also a bunch of stuff scattered along the floor (drywall, floor jacks, oil, etc). It's been on my "to-do" list for a few years, but other items tend to take precedence over the "want". The Prius would be a tight squeeze, as the house was built in the 70s, when smaller cars started taking over. Even my 2003 Honda Civic was a tight fit before.
I'm not taking any chances for a repeat performance, so I tied a green (color optional) cord to the strut to limit how far the door swings upward. I'll cut off the excess length seen in the photo.
I'm in a bike club and almost annually I hear a 'bike on roof rack" tangled with a garage story. One friend wrecked his custom Alex Singer touring bike that way (after at least 10 years of successfully coming home with his bike on the the roof after long rides). At a bike shop, I saw someone come in after such an incident with the bike appearing undamaged. After careful inspection, it turned out that the point of impact was a rear corner of the rear touring rack he had mounted on the bike; one rack lost--one bike saved. Another friend prevented the problem by moving a large box to the center of her garage when she left with a bike on the roof. Having to move that box after opening the garage caused enough delay for her to remember to get the bike off the roof before pulling the car in.