I just left the shop after having 4 speakers, 2 amps, and a sub put in my car (proffessionally). I had them use a male and female harness so no wires had to be cut and everything could go back to factory easily, about 6 miles into my trip home my radio goes out and my touchscreen (park light whent out too for the transmission (button still works)) nothing touchscreen or radio related is working, i checked the obvious fuses and none were blown, im really REALLY freaking out here. they turned the volume allway up while i was there and there was no problems and i only had it at 30ish when it blew. any other fuses i should check? any ideas or fixes? any help would be GREATLY appreciated, my blood pressure is sky high right now......PLEASE HELP
lol someone has to have some kinda idea, im sitting here hitting refresh every 30 seconds.......please save me from a heart attack <<<<< Me keeling over lol
I suggest you post this on the audio & electronics forum. The gurus there should be able to answer this. Good luck!
Perhaps taking it back to the shop where you got the work done and let "The Profesionals" know they screwed the pooch, and they should fix it.