Is there a way to shortcut all the prompts when dialing by voice? It is a 5 or 6 step process before you get to say 'Dial'. Also, what do Voice Tags do? I can't figure out what they are for.
"dial by name" "mike" "mobile" Press the offhook switch. it's a 4 step process..... 3 steps if the name only has one number stored. Not sure.. never used voice tags since voice recognition of the phonebook works well.
1) press voice 2) phone 3) dial by name 4) name 5) mobile or something else if more than one phone number is in memory 6) dial that's 5-6 steps if there's a shortcut please let us know and how to do it.
Do you mean using a speed dial capability on the cell phone and then talking through the BT link or is there a speed dial capability in the car system?
I'm looking to find out if there is a way to bypass the first 2 steps as mentioned above? those steps take about 5 sec which to me is a lot.
The Prius w/ nav (not sure about non-nav) has 3 screens of speed dials, each with 6 or 8, so there's 18 - 24 speed dials. You press the unhook button, then speed dial (this step can be skipped if it was the last phone screen you selected), then press the speed dial button. The nav owners manual has more info.
Thanks Stream. Missed the Speed Dial section in the manual somehow. All set now with Speed Dial set up.
Did you not see my post above yours? You don't need to say Phone. Just go straight to "Dial by name" You also don't have to say "Dial". Just press the offhook switch once your telephone number is selected.
It's too bad Toyota doesn't explicitly state the shortcuts. It would make operating the nav and bluetooth a lot easier (I've had to read the nav manual a few times over to just make sure I caught everything). Plus, some shortcut/alternate commands aren't listed... like "Voice" in lieu of "repeat guidance"
too bad it does not work like my BT headset; "call (name) mobile" or "call (10 digit number)" or "call (name) home" all commands in one.
I use the Speed Dial for my most called numbers. For numbers at work I use the voice commands. After getting used to the commands, it really is very easy. It is also much less distracting than even the Speed Dial. The only problem that I have is that sometimes Betty has trouble with my Southern English
I'm stumped. My Prius does not give me access to my phone book when I'm driving. What's the use of putting in voice tags if I can't use voice activation to make calls when driving?