Hello to all. I am not an owner, just a Prius tech that found the site looking for more info. There sure seems to be a lot here. I am honestly ashamed to say that I think I know less about Hybrids that some of you owners. The darn things rarely cause problems so the extent of my experience is mostly maintenance. Master ASE, Master Toyota, Hybrid cert and looking to learn. Please help! Anyone converting to Plug-in in my area? Anyone done it already? Thanks guys (and gals).
Welcome, Ron! :welcome: It's always good to have a tech around. I just hope you don't get inundated with questions. We'll try to take it easy on you.
Welcome Ron. We have a few techs here, and also some talented DIYers. Along with some busybodies such as myself. I would say that there is a strong interest here in getting the best long-term utility from Prius. This is sometimes accompanied by the desire to hold down maintenance costs, so you may get to do less than your fair share of cabin air filter replacements! When we do go astray, corrections are beneficial, so don't be shy
Welcome to the site. A lot of technical questions come up and we could use your input. There are a couple of other Prius techs that post on this site also.
Welcome, Ron. Don't be shy about putting in your 2c & from time to time straightening some of us out. Has the recall frenzy passed?
welcome to the forum. i'm curious as to what car you drive too... (careful around here... we'll convert you)
Welcome Ron. Sorry if you are feeling kind of lonely like a Maytag Repairman. We are happy our cars are relatively trouble free.