i got a new icon on my desktop. it looks like a scroll and when i open it, theres a big red X and the title is 'windows script host'. script: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop\.js line: 1 Char: 73 Error: Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. Code: 800A0BB9 Source: ADODB.Stream
I'm having the same issue with media player coming up over and over. However no warning from my antivirus program(webroot).
wow, you guys must have Microsoft PCs... I have not even dreamed of a virus for years!! I would advise away from Microsoft products. Although I know that is like saying that one does not like the Rolling Stones or does not like the Lakers... immediate destruction. Everyone is brainwashed by something. I am brainwashed by the small dog made of cheese on Neptune that controls everything on Earth (except for ferns and the color yellow)
MS has 90% market share and 90% of the user apps run on MS boxes. It is hard to give up on that. If you just need email, web browser, a spread sheet, a word processor and other basic apps Linux and Max OSX is great. The rest of the world is doing accounting, engineering, research and development. They are all using special apps that need a box running Windows OS.
Also the Mac OS and Linux have exploits that are found all the time. People that create adware and virus target Windows boxes because they have 90% market share. All systems are vulnerable no matter what OS it is running.
A bit of Googling points to this being an attempt to exploit the software on which this and many other forums are based. It has happened on a gaming forum (not that I am a gamer) . See the thread at Merged: Auto Forward to Google/Trojan Warning Issues - Page 4 - Glock Talk and the explanation from that site's owner at Recent Google Redirect/Trojan Warning Problem - Glock Talk . You will note at the foot of that site and this one that both pages are powered by vBulletin. I suspect that some how someone has attempted to change the HTML code for the title page. In short do not open the b-b-b-i-n-v-e-s-t-i-g-a-t-i-o-n link. Close Windows media player and undertake an update to your anti virus software. The pop up seems to stop once this is done. It may be a precaution to run a virus check if your software does not regularly review files. Hopefully the administrator of this site will notice this thread and ensure that what ever upgrades are necessary are installed. If folk still get the pop up I suggest that they advise the administrator of the site.
I only get windows media player trying to open: http://bbbinvestigation.org/ks/e6804f7653c2276098dd533f3769449f.php?eid=857632&b=FireFox&sf=/
Thats what I get - needless to say don't open it. I have sent a message to the site owner alerting him to this thread. I note that if you delete your browsing history the error can re-occur, so I will have to post my question another time.
running chrome. i get the MP popup. but did virus and malware scan, only found minor issues. removed them but still get popup.
H guys - Thanks to JEG and dan2l for letting me know about this problem. Since I don't use a Windows machine I never would have noticed the problem. Somehow a line of code was injected into the header of PriusChat that was creating an iframe leading to that malicious script. I apologize for the problems and have removed the code. Please let me know if you continue to see any other problems and I'll look into them right away. Now to find out how they did it... Danny
It appears that http://priuschat.com/forums/clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=384 is also STILL infected. using adblock, i've manually disabled various javascript elements until it stopped trying to load that bbb site. I've narrowed it down to the above.
I can't believe how complacent some people are about getting their machines pwnd. Do you wear seatbelts in your cars, and often extoll the virtues of hyper-aware driving amongst your cronies hereabouts? Why, then, not set up a safe forum-reading environment for use against sites you CANNOT control the content of, despite the best vigilant efforts of Danny and others?? . _H*
seatbelts are easy. what you speak of is gobbledegook to many of us. i have norton antivirus and symantek end point protection. what else do i need? thanks!
Simple -- turning off scripting, primarily ... and frames, Flash, any other type of active content, etc as much as your config will allow. But it's scripting [javascript, activeX] that is the primary vector for this stuff to get in, and is 100% not needed for reading Priuschat or just about any other forum site. . _H*
Turns out it might have been a figment leftover from firefox's aggressive caching (and inability to reload the page). But to prove that I wasn't crazy and it really did try loading the thing (probably from cache):
!!!!! Well stated !!!!! If (really when) the forum moves to the evil side - you need protection! If large corps can't keep themselves safe - why would anyone think Chat can...