I was wondering if 2010 Prius driver tail-light lenses are available separately ? or I need to buy the whole assembly just for a small crack on my tail light ? Any ideas about the price ? where I can find one ?
Yes, the left and right headlight assemblies are available separately. A 2009 headlight assembly goes for about $160. I have not yet seen 2010 parts listed at internet parts sites. You might give these folks a call and ask about 2010 parts. Alternately, these folks are a 2004-9 Prius exclusive salvage yard and restorer. They have an excellent reputation for service and delivery. There may be an outside chance that they have the assembly you need.
348.01$ for the new OEM part ! it's kinda hefty ... however I'm going to buy a used one for $160ish. Thanks everyone. PS. By any chance anyone has any idea how can I change this part by myself ?
I also have a cracked taillamp lens on the passenger side and it is fogging. City Toyota quoted me $261 for P/N 81551-47111 (RH taillamp assembly); still pricey but quite a discount from the list price! Make sure you check with them.
It sounds like from the posts that you can only get the entire tail light assembly and not just the lens cover. Is this correct?
Yes, sorry, but you are correct. You have to buy the entire assembly, which is sealed at the factory to prevent moisture intrusion which fogs the clear lens. Since mine has a small crack in the lens, it is fogging already after only a few days.
OK, lets think creatively inside the box... You can open the tail light assembly by baking it to soften the glue holding the lens to the... lets call it the body, and then separating the two parts. Then you could apply a small amount of stickum over the crack on the inside? silicon caulk? Duco Cement? liquid modelers cement? Bingo! Smooth outer surface, small visual discontinuity inside the lens, no leak. This may sound like a far-fetched idea. However, if you Google, "Bake a headlight," you'll find the procedure is used by lots of modders, for headlights anyway... no big deal. What have you got to loose? Only an unusable tail light.
Yeah, Specially my tail light is not so cracked, am gonna try that be4 replacing my tail light ! However I already ordered one, so I was wondering if any1 done this be4 and give me some tips about the tools that I'll need and any instructions ! I've attached some pix from the cracked light plus the interior view (of the bolts and screws that I think I'll need to open).