Can I connect my battery tender to the + jump point in the fusebox and ground point for a 2 week period instead of going to the battery to hook up my battery tender leads?
In fact you can even take the pigtail the battery tender comes with and install it under-hood so you don't have to open the fuse box.
You install the pigtail on the fusebox jump terminal (positive lead) and the chassis (negative lead). -THEN- you put the fusebox cover on and leave it on. You plug the Battery Tender lead into the pigtail. You can even route it so you don't have to open the hood, but that's just getting silly. You'll notice the jump terminal has a nut and bolt. Remove the nut, place pigtail positive ring terminal over bolt, replace nut. Ditto for the negative lead, on a bolt on the firewall. Route the lead under and out of the fuse box. Replace fusebox lid. I'd remove the battery -ve terminal before doing all this, of course. When you reconnect you will have to reprogram your radio and the door window auto-down/auto-up. The Battery Tender comes with the pigtail lead so you can easily and quickly connect it to the vehicle of your choice, -without- having to dig to find the battery.
On the 2010, the jump terminal in the fusebox does not have a nut and bolt on which to put a pigtail ring. Am I missing something? Neg problem.
Me too, I cannot see a place to put the pigtail ring under the hood. The best way I can see is to install directly on the battery terminal and run the pigtail through the auxiliary storage bin. Anyone got a better idea?