I cannot unscrew the large cover to access the driver's side bulb because it is on too tight. I tried tapping it but broke one of the fins. What can I do to get this thing off? Thanks BB
When I took mine off I turned it to the left (if I can remember correctly). I don't remember it being too hard to get off though..good luck
When I replaced the hid lamps on my 07, I found it necessary to a) wear a very sticky pair of gloves [some brands of nitrile or nitrile coated gloves work well], and b) only move it a small amount at first -- then move it back -- repeat as necessary. At least in mine, there apparently was some lube still present along the o-ring, and 'rocking' it back and forth helped distribute it -- after three or so short moves back and forth, it turned quite easily.
So both the Toyota dealer and my local mechanic are ready to remove bumper and headlight to get this thing off! They are talking 1+ hours of labor!!!!! There has to be a better way. Do we have some collective brain power to create some kind of filter-wrench solution here?
Do a search on this forum for 'HID Headlight' and you will see videos and instructions to remove the headlight assembly. Just be aware, some people have performed this operation w/o removing the bumper. However, there are other connectors under the cover that require room to maneuver. That's why the dealers recommend removing the bumper and the headlight assembly. Marvinh
Take a large flat screwdriver or pry bar and push against the fin. DO NOT tap on it, just apply pressure and push. It should start to move. When it does, it should move easily. You have to break the rubber seal loose.