Hello ! Boy , do I need a hand on this one !! LOL I already talked it over with the family to get their views. I want to ask some consumer "experts" now to see what they would do if they were in my shoes. I just bought my 2006 Toyota Prius about a year ago in 2009. It has been treating me LIKE GOLD !!! up to this point. I am in the northeast region of PA where we have ALL seasons spring,summer, fall, winter. About a month or two ago, the check engine light came on and stayed on along with a big red triangular warning light. I let it go for about a week before calling for help hoping that it would just go away. I brought the vehicle into my local Toyota dealership so they can diagnose it.They told me that they had 3 or 4 different "codes" coming from the machine when getting the signals from the check engine light. All the codes were related to the cooling system. They said that they felt that there was "debris" clogging the pathway for the coolant flow throughout the engine. They had recommended a "coolant flush" for the hybrid side as well as the mechanical side. So I took their advice and I had them perform the coolant flushes. After leaving the dealership that 1st time, the check engine light came back on the next day. I called the same dealership and explained it to them. They asked me to bring it in again. SO I brought it to them a 2nd time. They diagnosed it again. They told me they came up with 2 of the SAME "codes" and 1 that was different, but ALL the codes were STILL related to the cooling system. They explained to me that something was preventing the clear flow of coolant throughout the engine. And since the thermostat was the only major obstacle, they recommended that I replace it. Well, I did. And after I left the dealership that 2nd time, I was praying that this was the last of my Prius issues ! And what do you think happened to me the VERY NEXT day , Clark ?? Yes, YOU GUESSED IT !! The check engine light came back on the next day. I got on the phone with the same service person who helped me originally. They invited me back and did not charge me this time because it was the same issue. I told them that I am not in the business of randomly changing parts on my car unless I am absolutely sure I know exactly what the problem is. HOWEVER, this time they kept my vehicle for a good week or two. Running it through various diagnostics tests overnight here and there. They finally came out and said that they feel that I have a coolant system leak coming from my engine and that I need to replace my head gasket which is responsible for sealing the engine. They said this repair would cost over $1000.00 During my 1st visit, the codes were P0117 and P1150 During the 2nd and 3rd visits , in addition to those, there was one additional one that came up that I will post as soon as I find it ! I told them I need to think about it before I go ahead and take their word for it that this would be the end of my worries. I called around at different mechanics and dealerships to get different prices since this is a mechanical repair vs a hybrid repair. To be more specific: I spoke with 5 neighborhood mechanics and 3 other Toyota dealerships.some of the mechanics gave me figures between 800 and 1000 parts and labor. the dealerships said : if there is an "open case with Toyota" about this matter, you should leave it at the original dealership that did the original work. The vehicle is well out of warranty. All the mechanics and Toyota dealerships came close to $1000.00 but they told me that I should leave that type of a repair to the dealership since they are highly skilled and it comes with 12 month warranty. I told my family and they said this: " If you brought it to them 3 times and they cannot pinpoint the exact problem, especially for a dealership, you don't need to spent the money for the repair. You should sell the car and get a better one. I would not have brought it back to them after the 1st visit. But you can do what ever you want. Its your call. " Wouldn't it be less expensive if I replaced the engine ?? I have seen them online for under 1000.00 So what would you do ?
Same thing as if I had a doctor giving me bad advice...new doctor. First, If possible, list the codes detected. Second, it is an absolute requirement to go to a different dealer if you take it in again. Is this under warranty? If not, why not?
1. Have you seen this coolant leak yourself? If yes, how about taking some photos and posting. (If not, I suggest you find the leak to satisfy yourself that the diagnosis is correct.) 2. What were the final DTC logged by your car? (This may be recorded on your repair invoice. It would be helpful to know what the diagnostic codes are, to shed light on whether your engine has more than one problem.) 3. It is a pretty big labor job to remove and replace the engine, so that will be much more expensive than replacing the head gasket. Therefore I would not recommend replacing the engine unless the damage to the existing engine is substantially greater than a head gasket. 4. Odometer reading? If < 60K miles, the powertrain warranty should be applicable.
Idiot lights are not going to "just go away". It is important to get the codes read to determine whether it is a BS problem or a $erious problem. Either get the codes read at an auto parts store that will do it free or buy a ScanGauge to do the job yourself. If there is a problem with coolant circulating driving around for a week may cause additional serious damage. This could be classified as "abuse" and denied under warranty. P0117 seems to be "high coolant temp". ~190F is normal. If you had a ScanGauge you'd be able to see the coolant temp & know whether or not you are cruising into a big problem. P1150 seems to be an air/fuel sensor. If the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) runs too hot for too long you are looking at serious damage starting with a blown gasket then a warped head. We need more details & the other code(s).
First of all, your powertrain warranty extends beyong the 3 year/36000 mile warranty. Secondly, they have charged you for unnecessary work because of their inability to diagnose the problem in the first place; they should credit any charges incurred already to the head gasket replacement. Finally, you should tell them that if they diagnose the problem incorrectly yet again (head gasket) and it is not resolved by their repairs, you don't pay for them. You need to have this discussion up front with them. Let them know how dissatisfied you are. And speak to the service manager now - this has gone beyond the service writers ability to authorise the work. There is no need to sell the car but you do need a competent dealership. You have been jerked around and they need to step up and fix this once and for all.
A blown headgasket is a very obvious and easy thing to check for. There is nothing magical about the gas engine in the Prius that would make the diagnosis any different.
I agree with the above... The fact that the dealership worked on the car twice to no avail and now they "feel" that the headgasket might be the problem to the tune of $1,000+?! Did they say how they arrived at this conclusion, or are they just taking a shot in the dark because they don't know what is wrong? If the headgasket is bad, the engine will usually have low compression in one or two cylinders (depending on where the gasket is blown) and often times oil and coolant will mix together (resulting in a milky/frothy look to the oil). My advice would be to either demand that you don't pay for the work if the problem is still present after repairs, or get a 2nd opinion from another mechanic.
I understand COMPLETELY what you are saying. COMPLETELY... There is nothing really "MAGICAL" per say, about a head gasket. HOWEVER, they DID say that the leak was INTERNAL and not EXTERNAL. Meaning you would NOT be able to actually SEE IT with your own naked eyes UNLESS, you do the compression/combustion leak tests, block/pressure tests, to determine if anything in the block, cylinders, head, etc.,. is defective or not doing its job, etc.,.
Have the coolant system prsssure checked. They replace your radiator cap with one that has a tube in it. You pressurize the system up to the limit of the rad cap, say 16psi. Watch gauge. If it stays at 16psi, then no leak. If it drops then you have a leak somewhere. Check hoses first, then after those are checked then look at head gaskets. You can oil check the oil for antifreeze. They sell kits to check for this. Are you losing fluid and have to refill often?
1) JimN, I think your code descriptions are wrong. 2) If there was a leak, you'd notice it in the fluid level in the reservoir. 3) According to my manual, those codes does not indicate a leak of ANY sort.
Bob, my generic descriptions & layman's interpretation may not be accurate & I defer to those with mechanical aptitude. Is there a free website with better Prius specific descriptions?
While I can't claim to have above-average mechanical aptitude... I do have to point out that the meaning of codes can be different for different model cars and that googling a code and picking the meaning for an unrelated car can cause more harm then good - even if your intentions are pure. I do have a 3rd party (Haynes and Bentley) Prius-specific service manual that lists all the codes (which I have posted the descriptions for in the repost of this thread located here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...asket-06-prius-coolant-leak-have-u-heard.html). I don't know of any prius-specific website with all the DTCs, except for the official Toyota one (requires subscription).
Again my question would be, are they going to do all of this work off of a "feeling" that your head gasket is bad... or have they actually done the needed mechanical checks to determine this?