In my 2010 IV, the brake lights activate on the late side. I can only roughly measure it, but brake lights go on when the brake pedal is depressed at least 1.5 inches. I am used to brake lights in other cars activating with a light touch of the pedal. Problem is: this really ratchets up the danger of tailgaters, who cannot see when you are beginning to stop. Occasionally, a driver who has been trailing me asks if the brake lights are working properly. Anyone else have/know of this problem? Can a dealer fix it with a hardware reconfig or some software change? Am bringing the car in for a 5K check in the next couple of weeks.
So are you saying the brakes themselves are engaging before the light activates? That would be strange and yes, I'd definitely bring it up at the 5K service. I've heard others mention the same thing in the context of cruise control (cc cancelation being activated by the same thing). Do you notice that as well? I've not experienced it myself (that I know of, anyway). Good luck and keep us posted ~T
I kind of like the feature, as it lets me apply just a trace of regen braking without lighting up my back panel. It's easier to let off the CC with a quick pull back of the control stalk.
Yep, me too, I’m using it when I drive long downhills, I even thinking to make some indicator inside car to show when brake lights are on to know how much I can press brake before my car tail glows all red. I don’t think this feature differs anything from motor braking with normal car. It is just done differently.
This is well known and discussed on several other threads. The fix is to adjust the brake light switch. You can do it yourself, or have it done by a mechanic. Detailed instructions are listed on one of the other threads. Tom
But, if you "fix" it, you no longer have "stealth regen braking." Seriously, I think it's a non-problem - a feature.
Interesting that this issue (haha feature, right) which was reported in Gen2s hasn't been really addressed in the Gen3.
It may be something that is hard to fine tune. When I adjusted mine, I noticed that one "notch" in adjustment makes a good difference in when the brakes light up. So if you are only two "notches" off in my 2010, it would be enough to be worrisome.