Of course all the shiny stickers could advertise for angry luddite vandals, or somebody to try to peel the sticker off. But ya, why not a different colored license-plate? Probably too expensive. I think I'll try the windows.
Believe it or not, this sticker is needed to ensure your safety!! I work for the South Coast Air Quality Management District -- the air pollution agency in Los Angeles. Our fleet vehicles, used mostly by our inspectors, have been certified to use to the car pool lanes with single occupancy for several years now. These fleet vehicles all use natural gas. Anyway, early on we learned that irrate drivers stuck in traffic jams don't take kindly to suspected "rule breakers" that are driving alone in the car pool lane. Also, the average joe is likely to be unaware that some vehicles -- hybrid or natural gas -- might have special access privileges. The result was our inspectors were being given lots of middle finger signs, had trash tossed at them, were cuttoff, and even chased!! We started using these access stickers on our fleet vechicles many years ago to stop this harassment. It has worked. Mike Harris
I did hear that the Electric vehicle sticker is Silver not yellow. They did our in a different color - to be more noticable, I guess.
Wow, envlaw, I didn't think of that but that is a GREAT point. My tint is so dark on my car that I doubt anyone could tell how many passangers I have but I could see how people may get angry if they see us coming with only one person inside...
i'm glad ppl harass suspected "rule breakers"... cause i know of so many actual "rule breakers" who don't get any harassment at all (friends at work, etc... who insist it's worth the chance of a ticket, when after 2-3 years never getting one)!
Dang, those are an ugly addition to your cars. I don't even like puting bumper stickers on my vehicles. For those on the west coast, I feel your pain.
I've read some suggestions of putting the sticker on to some clear bra material and then have the ability to remove them with greater ease (and without damaging the paint). The downside would be that it would be easier to steal.
i'd rather someone steal the sticker without damaging the paint, than someone stealing it AND damaging the paint.
Hey, at the rate Prii are sprouting down here in SoCal, I'll be happy to have the stickers just so I can find my car in the lot!
I posted a picture of the stickers on a Rav 4 EV (reminder ours are yellow not silver). http://www.priuschat.com/forums/hov-sticke...html?highlight=