Has anyone tried using strips of the clear bra plastic as door guards? Can this stuff be purchased in strips or sheets that could be cut to fit? I was thinking of strips about two inches wide, carefully aligned with a level and grease pencil line, affixed to the door panels at their widest buldge. The plastic is near invisible and would probably look better than the tacky stick on guards. I'm willing to try it if someone out there knows a reasonable source for the material in quantities less than 100feet. Bob
www.vehicleprotectionfilms.com I bought material from these guys with no problems. They'll sell you as little as you want. They've even got 2" wide material.
Am currently investigating body side molding myself. The folks who applied, and wonderfully so, the clear film have a supplier for color specific (lexus, toyota, etc.) "soft" body side molding. Its color matches exactly the color of your car and is soft to the touch but has a solid surface. Call Tim Kirlin at 630-669-7033 of Plastic Surgeons.